Chambers & Partners, 2022

We are delighted to announce our continued success in the latest edition of Chambers & Partners, highlighting collective strength across our core practice areas and the expertise and experience of members of chambers and staff. We are recognised as a leading chambers in 12 areas (below), including four top-tier set rankings. Overall, we have 139 barrister rankings, which includes 14 improved individual rankings.

Full coverage in the 2022 guide can be found here.

Leading set rankings

  • Chancery: commercial
  • Chancery: traditional
  • Charities
  • Commercial dispute resolution
  • Company
  • Fraud: civil
  • Offshore
  • Pensions
  • Professional negligence
  • Real estate litigation
  • Restructuring and insolvency
  • Tax: private client

Agriculture & Rural Affairs

Mark Wonnacott QC
Well-respected property litigator with a broad-based rural practice. Peers praise him for his knowledge of the more specialist aspects of land law, such as manorial and mineral rights.
“He is fantastic. He is very user-friendly, concise and gets to the point. He is someone who always gets results. He might want to change his name to Mark Win-a-lot!”

Art and Cultural Property Law

Gilead Cooper QC
Well-known chancery barrister with in-depth knowledge of a wide range of art law topics. He often acts for major cultural institutions, including galleries, public bodies and museums.
“He is intellectually impressive and unflappable.”

Bobby Friedman
Tackles a commercial/fraud-related caseload that involves a range of high-value matters concerning artists, sculptors, agencies and museums.
“He is incredibly bright and brilliant on his feet.”

Chancery: Commercial (Band 1)

An impressive set, noted for its expertise in complex commercial chancery litigation arising in the UK and across several international and offshore jurisdictions. The team is regularly instructed in company, insolvency and civil fraud disputes, and offers considerable strength when undertaking complex commercial litigation involving elements of pensions, trusts and property law. One instructing solicitor notes that the set has “tremendous strength in depth in the commercial chancery area.”

Client service: “A great clerking team to work with. All involved are very communicative and give exceptional service on all levels. They are consummate professionals and they make things work for you.” “The set also provides great social and networking events.” Nick Luckman is the practice director.


Alan Gourgey QC
“He’s excellent on the law, his advocacy is superb and he is very good to work with.”

Andrew Mold QC
“He has a good feel for the arguments and how they will pan out. His written work is good and he has astute judgement as to how issues will unfold in a courtroom.”

Anna Littler
“She is really thorough, really knowledgeable and easy to work with.”

Bobby Friedman
“He is incredibly bright and brilliant on his feet.”

Clare Stanley QC
“Unflappable and has brilliant knowledge and experience of the law and the court process generally. She has pretty fearsome cross-examination skills and is a very good tactician.”

Edward Sawyer
“Outstanding and excellent with clients. His quiet manner hides a ferocious advocate.”

Emer Murphy
“Bright as a button and impresses clients straight away. She is great to work with and her advice is commercial.”

Emily McKechnie
“She is incredibly knowledgeable, has sound judgement and commercial sense, and can explain quite complex concepts.”

Fenner Moeran QC
“Very pragmatic, sensible and commercially minded.” “Fenner gets to the point very quickly and puts his clients at ease because he is very approachable. He tailors his advice to the issues andis a very good advocate.”

Graeme Halkerston
“Super responsive and highly thoughtful with his answers. He is very tactical in his thinking.”

Ian Croxford QC
“A man of gravitas and dynamism who cuts through all the confusion in a case.”

Jack Watson
“He grasps things so quickly and just knows what you have to do next. Jack goes the extra mile for you and is  always at hand.”

James Ayliffe QC
“He is simply excellent, hugely intelligent, hard-working and a master tactician. James is superb on his feet, hugely persuasive and always a real pleasure to work with.”

James Bailey QC
“He is very responsive and very helpful.”

James McCreath
“A class act, who’s very bright, logical, and tactically smart. He is very quick-thinking and effective on his feet.”

John Wardell QC
“Excellent and takes an ‘all hands on deck’ approach to things.”

Lawrence Cohen QC
“Incredibly experienced and fantastic at managing a team. He understands the nuances of operating in different jurisdictions and their working practices.”

Lexa Hilliard QC
“She is fantastic and just so easy to work with. Lexa is a great advocate, who has the ear of the court. She is down to earth and matter of fact.”

Nikki Singla QC
“He is very good at cutting through the key issues in a dispute and keeping a close eye on the ultimate objective.”

Terence Mowschenson QC
“One of the wisest heads at the Commercial Chancery Bar, he has decades of experience which he applies in a practical and approachable manner. There is nothing he has not seen.”

Thomas Lowe QC
“Very pragmatic, understands the law very well, and explains things in a way clients can understand.”

Thomas Robinson
“An excellent strategist and an extremely effective advocate.”

Tiffany Scott QC
“Impressive, pragmatic and very commercial.” “She gives really succinct, direct, practical advice, and is obviously extremely intelligent and very good legally. What really impresses is how she rolls her sleeves up and dives into the case.”

Tim Penny QC
“A good, strong advocate, who is thoroughly pleasant, personable, sensible and reasonable. He’s a good litigator.”

Tom Roscoe
“Very user-friendly, easy-going and always accessible. He is very sharp-witted in an understated way and comes up with very clever points.”


Chancery: Traditional (Band 1)

Wilberforce Chambers is “the go-to set for chancery work” says an interviewee who explains: “The set has excellent barristers who are all very approachable and a pleasure to deal with as well.” The set’s respected silks and juniors are regularly instructed in complex pensions, wills and trusts matters, and often act in cross-jurisdictional and offshore cases.

Client service: “The clerking services are excellent.” “The clerks go the extra mile to assist and do all to help.” The practice director is Nicholas Luckman.


Andrew Child
Enjoys a commanding reputation in the field of traditional chancery. He is regularly sought after for high-value matters domestically, offshore and in cross-border situations, and is noted for his work on contentious trusts and estates matters, including those involving a fraud element.
“He is bright and astute.” “Terrific. A barrister who has a very compelling manner when addressing the court.”

Andrew Mold QC
Has a wide-ranging traditional chancery practice. Sources highlight his particular expertise in matters with matrimonial trust aspects to them. He also advises on complex fraud and pensions matters.
“A seriously impressive performer who’s always been way ahead of his year of call in terms of ability.”
Recent work: Appeared in Moosa v Mawji, acting for the defendant in proceedings brought in relation to a series of joint ventures arising out of property development opportunities.

Brian Green QC
Is a respected silk whose depth of experience in both contentious and non-contentious matters is widely recognised. He works on a range of challenging cases both domestically and offshore, and is a particular expert in trusts and pensions matters. Green is the head of chambers.
“The Rolls-Royce of the Chancery Bar. He is immensely experienced, immensely knowledgeable and immensely clever.”
Recent work: Instructed in Re HK Family Trust, acting for the defendant bank in £450 million proceedings concerning alleged breach of trust.

Clare Stanley QC
Acts in a wide range of private client and trust litigation, regularly handling highly complex disputes. She is frequently instructed in high-value matters both onshore and offshore.
“Great on her feet and quickly gets a sense of where the judge is heading. Clare is excellent with clients and always has a fresh strategic perspective to offer. She is completely across the finer points of trusts law and never loses sight of the clients’ broader aims. She is a pleasure to work with and delivers excellent results.”
Recent work: Instructed in PTNZ v AS, a dispute about the construction of one of the terms of a trust

Emily Campbell
Is a well-known junior with a highly respected traditional chancery practice, encompassing pensions cases, advisory and contentious trusts matters and estate planning. She is noted for her capability with extremely detailed or complex cases.
“Extremely impressive, she has a panoramic understanding of the principles, legislation and case law, and applies that understanding in a commercial and directed manner. She is extremely responsive and always willing to help.”

Fenner Moeran QC
Is particularly focused on pensions and associated trusts, although he is also regularly instructed in cases concerning other contentious trusts. He has a substantial advisory practice both onshore and offshore.
“Really intellectual and always on top of the detail in a case, he has huge empathy for the client’s perspective of a case. Excellent on cross-examination as well, he really leaves no stone unturned.”
Recent work: Instructed in Johnson v Johnson, a multimillion-pound claim under the Inheritance (Provision for Family & Dependants) Act 1975.

Gilead Cooper QC
An eminent silk whose respected chancery practice is focused on contentious property and trusts. He attracts a wealth of praise for his advocacy.
“He’s incredibly intelligent, incredibly analytical and really personable.”
Recent work: Instructed in Countess Bathurst v Chantler & Others, a claim by a beneficiary claiming the right to the use and enjoyment of a historic collection of paintings and furniture held in trust under her husband’s will.

Jonathan Davey QC
Is frequently sought after for high-value and high-profile traditional chancery matters. He is noted for his expertise in charities and pensions matters, and for his handling highly complex tax litigation.
“Really excellent and has a fantastic ability to make the complicated simple. His oral advocacy is great, and his written advocacy is absolutely amazing. He combines attention to detail with the ability to do grand narrative advocacy, and he has this amazing facility for making your completely unreasonable position sound totally reasonable.”

Jonathan Hilliard QC
Has a broad traditional chancery practice that takes in a wide array of trusts matters and a substantial amount of advisory work. He is widely respected for his depth of technical knowledge. Hilliard has built a formidable practice focusing on trusts, fraud and pensions cases.
“Engaging, naturally curious, passionate about his subject and forensic in his examination of the facts. He is also clearly team-focused.”

Michael Furness QC
Is a deeply respected silk who has an impressive depth of knowledge across the board in traditional chancery, and is highly respected for his handling of offshore and overseas litigation. Furness is noted for his representation of clients in tax, trusts and pensions litigation.
“Extremely clever and highly logical in his approach.”
Recent work: Advised a member of a prominent Hong Kong family in connection with litigation over a family trust and control of the family company.

Robert Ham QC
Focuses his practice on trusts and other private client work, including tax matters, both contentious and non-contentious. He is regularly instructed in cases that go to the Supreme Court.
“He is a rare combination of experience and user-friendliness. A breeze to work with, he has a delightful touch. Robert has superb knowledge and is extremely perceptive. He is the standout.”

Tiffany Scott QC
Has a depth of experience in both contentious and non-contentious trusts matters, and is frequently instructed by charities, high net worth individuals and estates. Her practice also includes property disputes and professional liability cases, and she is noted for her involvement in offshore work.
“An excellent practitioner who stands out as being really, really reassuring to clients – she is really hands-on with clients, and that is superbly helpful.”

Zoë Barton QC
Has a broad chancery practice, which makes her a particularly fine choice of counsel for matters with commercial or real property aspects. She is also noted for work on fiduciary matters.
“A fine barrister who is commercial and strategic from the outset of a case.”
Recent work: Instructed in Trustees of the Gatsby Charitable Foundation v Khadijeh Minai, a claim by a charity arising out of a potential purchase of a £28 million property in St James.

Charities (Band 3)

Wilberforce Chambers is a highly distinguished chancery set whose charities specialists frequently advise foundations, charities themselves and the Charity Commission on a diverse range of issues including those concerning commercial and tax questions as they impact on charitable bodies. Individuals are active on behalf of these clients in contentious matters as well, and also represent trustees and the HMRC in cases concerning the meaning of a ‘charity’. Clients further benefit from the set’s well-renowned high-quality offshore expertise.

Client service: “The clerking service is one of the best I have ever known.” Nicholas Luckman is practice director and is described as “extremely helpful and responsive.”


Michael Furness QC
Is an accomplished silk with long experience, most notably in trust-related matters. He is particularly active advising in relation to onshore and offshore tax issues, and on matters involving the international transfer of charitable assets and the international structuring of charitable organisations.  Furness is highly versed in contentious trust litigation and tax litigation in a variety of jurisdictions.
“He provides first-class advice, very clear and on time.”

Commercial Dispute Resolution (Band 3)

Wilberforce Chambers has at its disposal a strong bench of commercial barristers, with particularly impressive capability at silk level. Its members are capable of handling a wide spectrum of commercial matters, including, among others, cases arising out of company law, insolvency and civil fraud. The set’s barristers are well known for their ability to represent clients in international disputes, and regularly appear in a range of jurisdictions such as Hong Kong, Bermuda and the Cayman Islands. In recent months Alan Gourgey QC has led a team comprising mainly Wilberforce barristers in a massive claim brought by the Russian bank Vneshprombank against Georgy Bedzhamov, alleging fraud and conspiracy resulting in the bank’s collapse.

Client service: Nick Luckman and his team are all very commercial and focused on building long-term relationships.” “Stewart Cameron is very accommodating and professional, and very flexible and understanding of where we are coming from.”


Alan Gourgey QC
“A brilliant leader, excellent on the law, whose advocacy is superb. He is very good to work with and he makes himself available.”
Recent work: Acted for Vneshprombank in relation to a £1 billion-plus claim against Georgy Bedzhamov. The claim related to the collapse of the bank and concerned allegations of fraud and conspiracy.

Ian Croxford QC
“Builds an excellent rapport with clients and gets stuck in to the case early on. From the solicitor’s point of view, he is very approachable and willing to explore ‘out of the box’ ideas. A man who clearly thrives off advocacy, he is great to work with.”

Jack Watson
“A really intelligent and diligent junior, who rolls up his sleeves and gets on with it without complaint. He is really incisive and does a great job.”
Recent work: Acted for the claimant in Vneshprombank v Bedzhamov, a claim for over £1 billion relating to the collapse of Vneshprombank which is said to have been caused by a fraud committed by the defendant and his theft of hundreds of millions of pounds.

James Walmsley
“Brainy and incredibly thorough, he is a fantastic team player.”
Recent work: Represented the claimant in Sana Hassib Sabbagh v Wael Said Khoury.

John Wardell QC
“A real leader, who has very impressive judgement and is always up for the fight. He is not put off by tricky issues.”
Recent work: Successfully represented the appellant, Takhar, in the Supreme Court case of Takhar v Gracefield Developments. The decision clarified the correct legal test for setting aside judgments on the grounds of fraud.

Marcia Shekerdemian QC
“Extremely helpful and informative.”
Recent work: Acted for the claimant in Rawbank SARL v Travelex Europe Ltd, proceedings in the Financial List for the recovery of USD60 million paid in return for hard currency.

Terence Mowschenson QC
“A hugely experienced practitioner with lengthy offshore experience who is highly popular.”
Recent work: Instructed in Wardour Trading v Nekrich, an action by the liquidator of a company for fraudulent trading against Russians who allegedly caused the company to incur liabilities of USD50 million.

Tim Penny QC
“Knows the law inside out, doesn’t overbook himself and sticks to deadlines. He always thinks about the next step, the bigger picture and the overall strategy. In addition, he is thoroughly and properly prepared for all the hearings.”
Recent work: Acted for the claimant in Raiffeisen Bank v Scully Royalty, a substantial claim seeking to set aside transactions to defraud creditors and damages in unlawful means conspiracy against a group of companies owning iron ore interests in Canada.

Company (Band 4)

Wilberforce Chambers represents an excellent choice of set for company matters. Its barristers frequently represent clients faced with domestic and cross-border shareholder disputes, issues of directors’ duties and breaches of fiduciary duty, among other matters. Their reputation for handling offshore work is particularly strong. Recent instructions include advising in Neil v FRP Advisory LLP, a high-value shareholders’ claim.

Client service: “The clerks are incredibly helpful and move very quickly.” “They’re proactive and engender a warm relationship with the instructing solicitor.”


Lexa Hilliard QC
Is a well-regarded silk who frequently handles claims relating to company and insolvency law. She regularly acts in cross-border shareholder disputes and offshore litigation, and has made appearances in the Isle of Man, the Channel Islands and the Caribbean. Hilliard exhibits further strength in fraud, professional negligence and banking matters.
“A barrister of significant experience and great judgement.”
Recent work: Continued to act for FRP Advisory in litigation concerning allegations of conspiracy to destroy share values.

Marcia Shekerdemian QC
Maintains a busy company practice which is complemented well by her work in insolvency and restructuring cases. She regularly advises on domestic and international disputes. Most recently, she has been engaged in several high-profile shareholder litigation matters and issues concerning breach of directors’ duty.
“Approachable, easy to deal with and always on hand when needed.” “Marcia is incredibly commercial, user-friendly and hard-working.”
Recent work: Appeared in multiparty litigation concerning Jabac, a dispute involving allegations of breach of statutory duty, shareholder petitions and diversion of corporate opportunity.

Terence Mowschenson QC
Is an esteemed silk with an outstanding reputation in company disputes, among broader experience in banking, partnership and financial services matters. He offers clients recognised strength in a wide array of cases, including those relating to shareholder claims, cross-border insolvency and fraud.
“He has a phenomenal knowledge of company law technicality and how things get done.”
Recent work: Acted in Re Zahar Hadid, carrying out an inquiry into corporate governance of a company carrying on the business of architects.

Family/Matrimonial : Trusts/Tax Experts

Andrew Mold QC
Regularly instructed in high-value divorce cases involving complex trust assets. His practice has seen him appear in a wide range of jurisdictions, including the Isle of Man, the BVI, the Middle East and Switzerland. He has additional experience in ADR proceedings.
 “His analysis is clear and his advocacy is polished, calm, measured and thoughtful.” “He is excellent intellectually and on paper. Andrew takes an intelligent and practical approach to cases and looks after his clients well.”
Recent work: Acted in Abdullah v Aldoukhi, appearing on behalf of the husband. The proceedings involved a real estate dispute regarding the ownership of three properties which were acquired by a couple in Kuwait while they were married

Jonathan Hilliard QC
Well-established silk, sought after for his knowledge of intersecting chancery and family matters. He regularly appears in divorce cases for high net worth clients involving trusts in offshore jurisdictions. Hilliard is respected for his knowledge of the law and for the quality of his advocacy before international courts.
 “Good at advising on complex offshore trust issues in divorces. He’s bright, user-friendly, quick and someone who goes out of his way to assist.” “Jonathan is extraordinarily intellectual and has a huge breadth of commercial experience and chancery knowledge.” “He’s a ferociously hard worker who never misses a deadline.”

Fraud: Civil (Band 2)

Wilberforce Chambers houses a strong bench of experienced barristers who are regularly instructed in high-value and multi-jurisdictional civil fraud disputes. The team is noted for its expert handling of cases involving offshore jurisdictions such as the Cayman Islands and the BVI, as well as matters arising in Asia and Europe. Members offer expertise in claims stemming from allegations of misrepresentation, conspiracy and breach of duty. Cases involving complex jurisdictional issues and contempt proceedings are also key areas of strength for the set.

Client service: “Practice director Nicholas Luckman is very accommodating, realistic, and has a can-do attitude. He’s super organised and marshals the clerking team very well.” “The clerking is excellent. Practice assistant Harvey Scott is so responsive, deals with listing issues, is reasonable with fees and has great connections with the court.”


Alan Gourgey QC
Is routinely called upon to deal with difficult, fast-moving fraud litigation and arbitrations involving such allegations as breach of contract, deceit, bribery and misappropriation. He is successful at obtaining freezing and search orders. His instructions come from across the globe.
“A brilliant leader who is excellent on the law – his advocacy is superb. He is very good to work with and always makes himself available.” “Very approachable and commercially minded.”
Recent work: Acted for VTB Bank in Commercial Court proceedings in which claims are being advanced against another Russian state-owned bank and others. The claims for circa USD250 million related to an alleged fraudulent conspiracy concerning supply of oil-based products in Russia.

Ian Croxford QC
Is a tenacious and experienced silk who is regularly engaged in high-profile commercial disputes and professional negligence matters in which fraud is alleged.
“A really good advocate.”

John Wardell QC
Is an outstanding leader with a wide-ranging practice who is accustomed to fighting complex fraud disputes. Many of his instructions originate abroad in such places as the Middle East and the Caribbean. He bolsters his civil fraud offering with complementary knowledge in commercial chancery and professional negligence law.
“He’s really on top of the briefs, knows things inside out and is very pragmatic and shrewd.” “He provides extremely commercial advice and is a real pleasure to work with.”
Recent work: Acted for Scully Royalty in a dispute against Raiffeisen International Bank involving claims of unlawful means conspiracy and allegations that Scully Royalty had embarked on a restructuring to defeat the bank’s claim under a multimillion-euro guarantee.

Jonathan Hilliard QC
Is a skilled silk who practises civil fraud as part of thriving commercial litigation practice which also includes pensions, offshore trust and regulatory work. His cases concern a variety of allegations including dishonesty and misappropriation.
“Incredibly sharp and very user-friendly.”

Max Mallin QC
Is instructed in heavyweight fraud claims, especially those with international or banking elements. Allegations he has dealt with include conspiracy and fraudulent misappropriation of funds. He has an expert understanding of financial markets owing to his background as an investment banker.
“A brilliant, bright and very robust advocate with a good knowledge of bribery matters.”
Recent work: Acted for the claimant in Inter Global Surgical LLP v Mulligan, a claim for breach of fiduciary duty involving the diversion of funds.

Tim Penny QC
Is an excellent advocate who has handled a number of significant fraud cases. He is especially knowledgeable in the realm of injunctive relief and is adept at obtaining and resisting worldwide freezing and search orders.
“He’s very accessible, gets stuck in and is extremely user-friendly.” “He’s very charming in the courtroom and is wonderful as part of a team.”
Recent work: Acted in Raiffeisen Bank v Scully Royalty, a claim seeking to set aside transactions to defraud creditors and damages in unlawful means conspiracy against a group of companies owning iron ore interests in Canada.

Information Technology

Alan Gourgey QC
Is a leading chancery lawyer who is well regarded for his skill in handling the commercial aspects of IT disputes. He is noted for his ability in court, and is also recognised for his quality as an arbitrator. Gourgey is an experienced adviser on cases involving online gaming and software rights.
 “He knows his stuff and he’s a go-to in a tribunal.” “He’s a very nice and pleasant opponent.”

Offshore (Band 1)

Wilberforce Chambers offers significant strength and depth in all the major offshore jurisdictions, including those in the Channel Islands, the Caribbean and Asia. Members of the set are instructed to act in matters such as trust litigation, high-value commercial disputes and fraud claims. Its barristers continue to appear in a number of high-profile cases. A source says: “It’s clearly a leading set with a number of talented barristers at all levels.”

Client service: “They have very good client service and do an excellent series of seminars and the Wilberforce Trusts Litigation Day.” “The clerking is very strong. They are all very professional and very commercial and focused on the long-term relationships.” Nick Luckman serves as practice director.


Andrew Mold QC
Adroitly handles a diverse range of traditional and commercial chancery matters, demonstrating considerable strength in cases concerning trusts, professional liability and company law. His practice has led him to litigate or advise on matters in the Cayman Islands, Jersey, the Isle of Man, Bermuda and Singapore. He is experienced in intra-family disputes including high-value divorce proceedings.
“He is good at getting to grips with different issues and he identified a new angle. He is an intelligent and insightful counsel.”
Recent work: Acted for the investment manager of the Torchlight Fund in resisting an application to wind up the fund in proceedings in the Cayman Islands.

Anna Littler
Has a strong practice in the offshore world. She regularly undertakes trusts litigation, including in Bermuda. She is well equipped to handle a range of issues trusts and trustees may encounter.
“She is a robust and capable junior on drafting and client interactions.” “What impresses me is her attention to detail and her ability to stay on top of a very complex case with multiple strands to it and not lose sight of all the potential avenues.”

Brian Green QC
Is a market leader in chancery work who is regularly instructed by solicitors due to his ability to handle the most complex and high-profile litigation. He has a wide-ranging practice but proves particularly adept at cases concerning trusts and pensions. He has recently handled matters in Bermuda, Hong Kong and Jersey.
“He is a leading trusts expert in the offshore world.” “His ability to take command of very complex cases and lead a judge through it is second to none.”

Clare Stanley QC
Is noted for her commercial and company law practice, encompassing the likes of insolvency and fraud matters. She is well versed in the intricacies of acting in a number of offshore jurisdictions, including the Cayman Islands.
“She is outstandingly good, has terrific insights and is also very user-friendly.” “She’s really excellent in both her written submission and oral submissions.”
Recent work: Acted for the joint official liquidators of Ardent Harmony Fund in relation to claims it has brought against its former auditors, BDO Cayman, arising from a massive fraud perpetrated on Ardent by its New York-based credit advisers.

Gilead Cooper QC
Has a great standing in offshore litigation and has noted ability in trusts, fraud, breach of fiduciary duty and professional negligence disputes. He also handles property disputes. Cooper has appeared in court proceedings in the BVI, Bermuda, the Cayman Islands and Hong Kong.
“He has very in-depth knowledge of the subject matter.” “Approachable and hands-on when required.”
Recent work: Acted in a Cayman Islands case concerning the estates of a husband and wife worth in excess of USD30 million. A dispute arose as to how USD6.5 million of previously unaccounted funds should be distributed.

Graeme Halkerston
Is very well acquainted with the offshore market, having worked for several years as a partner in a leading firm in the Cayman Islands. The bulk of his work is BVI or Cayman Islands based. He maintains a diverse and dynamic commercial litigation practice and has strengths in banking and financial disputes, restructuring proceedings and cross-border fraud.
“He is very quick, covers ground very quickly and is very hot on his technical detail.” “He is absolutely brilliant. He has a lot of relevant experience, and his advice is hugely practical.”
Recent work: Acted for liquidators of Global Steel Holding, an Isle of Man company with balance sheet assets in excess of USD1 billion, in recovery investigations.

John Wardell QC
Has a strong commercial and company law practice and a broad range of expertise, including in fraud and breach of fiduciary duty cases. He is admitted to the Bar in the BVI and has further experience in the Cayman Islands.
“He is a pleasure to work with and his major strength is cross-examination, where he’s proven to be absolutely fantastic.” “His courtroom judgement on how to put points across was very adept and impressive.”
Recent work: Instructed by AHAB in AHAB v Saad Investments Company Limited, a case regarding one of the largest frauds ever perpetrated involving some 118 banks which together lent a total of USD126 billion over two decades.

Jonathan Hilliard QC
Has an excellent reputation for trusts and commercial litigation work. His practice has led him to act in the Isle of Man, Gibraltar, the Channel Islands and the BVI, among other jurisdictions.
“He is a titan when it comes to anything relating to trusts. He has a real in-depth knowledge of all the case law and he is great to deal with. He has got an incredible brain and can distil issues for the trustees.” “He is incredibly sharp and very clever but also incredibly user-friendly and super enthusiastic about everything.”

Michael Furness QC
Is an impressive silk who is especially knowledgeable in trusts and tax disputes, as well as contentious and non-contentious pension scheme work. His practice regularly leads him to appear in Bermudian trust cases, and he has experience acting in Hong Kong’s Court of Final Appeal. He also provides counsel on professional negligence claims.
“He has a very good forensic manner. He’s got an attractive courtroom manner and is popular with judges.”
Recent work: Advised a member of a prominent Hong Kong family in connection with ongoing litigation over a family trust and control of the family company.

Nikki Singla QC
Is a highly regarded performer with experience appearing for clients in the Cayman Islands, Bermuda, Dubai and the Channel Islands. Solicitors turn to him for advice on a wide range of commercial and business cases, and admire him for his specialist trusts expertise. His clients include high net worth families and trustees. He regularly handles shareholder disputes, negligence and joint venture ownership disputes, among others.
“He has provided invaluable advice and insight in trust matters, and his grasp of the subject is simply the best. He is very thorough in his research and sharp in his approach in handling complex issues.” “He is insightful, persuasive, excellent with clients and has a credibility with the court that is a real strength.”

Robert Ham QC
Is a very highly regarded practitioner who receives effusive praise for his outstanding efforts in private client work, tax law and pensions. He acts in cases in Guernsey, the Caribbean and the Isle of Man, among other jurisdictions.
“With Robert Ham QC you get a wealth of experience and value. He’s very good at distilling the questions so his opinions are valuable.” “He is a rare combination of experience and user-friendliness. He is easy to work with, has superb knowledge and is extremely perceptive.”

Terence Mowschenson QC
Is a popular and much-admired chancery silk who has undertaken a range of banking, finance, company and insolvency cases worldwide. His practice also encompasses joint ventures and partnerships. He has appeared in a wide range of jurisdictions, including Gibraltar, the Isle of Man, the Cayman Islands and the BVI. He has additional expertise in alternative dispute resolution proceedings.
“He does high-quality work in the Cayman Islands.”
Recent work: Advised on an action for the recovery of money diverted by the director of a company which was the proceeds of a fraud on a third-party oil supplier.

Thomas Lowe QC
Has a wealth of experience of appearing in the Cayman Islands and the BVI, acting in a wide range of private client disputes and contentious trust matters. He has a particular forte in handling litigation following the collapse of investment structures, and regularly acts in disputes between fund managers. Lowe is frequently called upon by commercial clients including banks and insurance companies. He also provides expertise in matters relating to fraud and insolvency.
“He is a real expert in shareholder disputes, very user-friendly, and his advocacy is second to none.”
Recent work: Continued to act for a defendant in the landmark AHAB v Saad case in the Grand Court of the Cayman Islands.

Pensions (Band 1)

Wilberforce Chambers is a distinguished set and, with a market-leading group of both silks and juniors able to handle the full spectrum of pensions work, “there is never a weak link in the team here.” Members are thoroughly experienced in handling large-scale, high-profile cases at the forefront of the pensions industry. Wilberforce barristers are equipped for advice and advocacy in relation to a host of regulatory matters and act for employers, trustees and the Pensions Regulator. The set is able to act in complex cases with elements of employment, trusts and tax law. “It is the top pensions set,” says one source, adding: “The standard of work is incredibly high.”

Client service: “The clerks are keen to assist where they can. They are modern and flexible.” “The clerking service is good – they communicate clearly and give good recommendations.” “The Wilberforce team is always helpful and the clerks go out of their way to find solutions.” “Fraser Geddes, senior practice manager for the junior QCs, is very responsive, amenable, and efficient with billing and arranging conferences.” Nick Luckman is the practice director.


Andrew Mold QC
Garners considerable praise for his impressive ability in major pensions cases. He specialises in professional negligence and the regulatory aspects of complex pensions cases. He is experienced in appellate matters, including those before the Supreme Court.
“He has incisive skills and specialist knowledge on pension matters.”
Recent work: Continued to act for Lloyds Bank in ongoing proceedings regarding Guaranteed Minimum Pension equalisation.

Benjamin Faulkner
Is a high-quality junior with a broad commercial chancery practice. He specialises in pensions and related professional negligence disputes. He has notable experience of high-stakes, document-heavy matters.
“He’s very hard-working and a pleasure to deal with.”

Bobby Friedman
Is a respected pensions junior with considerable regulatory experience. He has acted in some of the most high-profile pensions disputes and trials. He has advised on high-value financial support direction actions, and related allegations of professional negligence. He is particularly known for his work defending clients against regulatory action.
“He is pragmatic and user-friendly.”

Brian Green QC
Is one of the leading lights in the pensions industry. He is frequently seen on some of the most high-profile and significant pieces of litigation. He brings well-honed advocacy skills to his litigation and offers expertise in tax and trusts law. He is noted for his experience advising on charity and legacy public sector schemes.
“He combines a command of legal issues with incisive strategising and excellent client service.” “He is the super silk in the pensions area. There is nobody who comes near him in terms of sheer brilliance, spotting points, coming up with solutions and managing clients.”
Recent work: Acted for the Trustee of the Railways Pension Scheme in a case concerning the interaction of the Railways Pension Scheme Protection Order and Section Rules.

Edward Sawyer
Is a gifted and experienced pensions barrister who has appeared in several high-profile cases affecting the industry. He is often involved in long-running litigation with international elements concerning pension schemes and the Pensions Regulator. He also has prior experience of advising on professional negligence allegations.
“He has a considered and thoughtful approach and is always responsive to client demands.”
Recent work: Represented the trustee of the Mitchells & Butlers Pension Plan in a rectification claim against the employer on behalf of the members. The case concerns the issue of whether the plan must or should stop using the Retail Prices Index to increase pensions.

Emily Campbell
Maintains an impressive reputation for her handling of pension matters that contain financial, actuarial or tax aspects. She is also experienced in regulatory, professional negligence and rectification issues. She is additionally noted for handling matters with an international dimension.
“She is good technically. She drills down into the detail to provide new arguments.”

Emily McKechnie
Is a well-reputed chancery lawyer whose expertise in pensions is complemented by her burgeoning reputation in professional negligence. Her client roster includes representative beneficiaries, company sponsors and the Pension Protection Fund.
“She is technically excellent and can make complex pensions issues incredibly straightforward.”
Recent work: Represented two representative beneficiaries in Part 8 proceedings brought by the trustees of the Merchant Navy Ratings Pension Fund regarding the right to an ill-health pension.

Fenner Moeran QC
Is an impressive advocate, particularly well versed in pension liberation, fraud and moral hazard disputes. He frequently represents trustees, insurance companies and employers, as well as the Pensions Regulator and the government.
“He demonstrates excellent legal analysis, strategy and advocacy.”
Recent work: Represented Options SIPP UK LLP in a dispute regarding the duties of a SIPP provider on ‘execution only’ SIPPs.

James McCreath
Acts for employers, trustees and scheme members in a variety of pension disputes. He has gained particular exposure to Section 75 debt claims and regulatory cases, as well as professional negligence allegations in the pensions arena.
“He provides user-friendly and accurate advice.”
Recent work: Continued to act for ITV in its defence of an attempt by the Pensions Regulator to impose liability on it for the pensions deficit in the pension scheme of the Box Clever joint venture.

James Walmsley
Is an established pensions junior who is highly reputed for his diligent work ethic. He is well versed in regulatory investigations and rectification actions.
“His ability to distil vastly complex fact patterns into practical advice is extremely impressive.”
Recent work: Continued to act for the Pensions Regulator in relation to the latest parts of the Box Clever Pension Scheme case, including the quantum stage.

Jonathan Chew
Is well versed in pensions regulation. He has experience of scheme restructurings, changes to pension increases and rectification claims, among other pensions issues.
“A first-class advocate in terms of strategy and technical points.”
Recent work: Acted for Mitchells & Butlers Pensions in a rectification claim relating to the rate of pension increases.

Jonathan Hilliard QC
Is widely regarded as the go-to barrister for technical pensions issues, and he represents parties in a broad array of cases. He has significant experience in liberation, moral hazard and professional negligence matters. He is sought after by the Pensions Regulator, as well as sponsors and trustees. He has appeared in courts at all levels of the British judicial system, as well as the CJEU.
“He provides very client-focused advice and gets into the detail quickly.”

Michael Ashdown
Enjoys a strong reputation among employers and trustees for his experience in regulatory matters. He is also noted for his expertise in negligence claims.
“He is thorough and careful, with relentless powers of research.”

Michael Furness QC
Enjoys broad expertise in occupational pensions and other relevant areas, including tax law and trust litigation. He is well known for engaging in international litigation in offshore jurisdictions. Trustee boards and large household-name employers seek out his counsel.
“He provides measured, authoritative and practical advice.”
Recent work: Represented Univar in an action for rectification of the pension scheme rules relating to indexation and revaluation of benefits.

Michael Tennet QC
Is one of the leading silks for pensions. He is a master in regulatory matters and additionally specialises in actuarial issues. He is regularly seen in some of the pension industry’s most high-profile and contentious cases. His broad experience includes advising trustees, employers and representative beneficiaries.
“He is a really good technician and good at structuring and running a case.”
Recent work: Acted for the trustees of the Mitchells & Butlers Pension Scheme in a claim for rectification of the plan’s rules.

Paul Newman QC
Is highly regarded in the industry. He acts on the full range of pension matters and is particularly recommended for high-profile, intricate cases. He acts for a diverse set of clients, including a number of FTSE 100 companies, trustees, the Pensions Regulator and the Pension Protection Fund. He is also an accomplished adviser on allegations of professional negligence.
“He is able to get to the crux of a matter quickly and provides clear advice taking account of the bigger picture.”
Recent work: Acted for the director of a property company in a claim by the Pensions Regulator for a contribution notice against the client for the alleged failure to pay joint venture dividends to a pension scheme in deficit.

Robert Ham QC
Is an experienced silk with a very strong reputation in the field of chancery and associated trusts work, both at home and overseas. He is frequently sought out to provide counsel on complex pension scheme matters. He also offers expertise in associated professional negligence issues.
“He is vastly experienced, with a huge knowledge of trust law.”

Sebastian Allen
Is a well-regarded junior with experience in the full spectrum of pensions cases. He has advised and advocated on some of the most large-scale pensions matters including benefits indexation, equalisation and moral hazard proceedings.
“He is knowledgeable and technically brilliant.”
Recent work: Continued to act for Safeway in a successful appeal concerning whether the equalisation of the Normal Pension Ages of members retrospectively was effective as a matter of European law.

Thomas Robinson
Enjoys a wealth of experience in regulatory, moral hazard and insolvency cases all the way up to the Supreme Court. Highly valued by the Pensions Regulator, especially for moral hazard cases. He also has experience in professional negligence cases.
“His advice is well judged and practical.”
Recent work: Represented the Pensions Regulator seeking £96 million arising from the purchase of the Silentnight mattress business by a US private equity house.

Thomas Seymour
Is a highly experienced junior barrister with a broad commercial chancery practice encompassing both pensions and trusts.
“He is very proactive and has an incredible analytical mind.”
Recent work: Represented Places for People in a dispute arising from the validity of governing instruments of an occupational pension scheme established in 1973.

Professional Negligence (Band 2)

Wilberforce Chambers can bring to bear deep expertise in a wide range of professional negligence claims, acting for both defendants and claimants. The set is frequently sought out for solicitors’ liability claims and matters involving financial services professionals, often complicated by fraud elements. Property-related work is a strong suit, and the barristers are an obvious choice for negligence claims concerning the more complex of conveyancing matters, or major development projects. Members continue to act in matters of considerable size and importance, such as BASF Corporation v Carpmaels and Ransford, one of the largest patent attorney cases to date.

Client service: “The clerks there are extremely helpful and approachable.” Practice director Nicholas Luckman leads the team. Wilberforce places a premium on professional development for its practice management team: the clerks at all levels undertake regular training to ensure they are able to meet the evolving needs of their clients. The set facilitates an ongoing dialogue with insurers and litigation funders concerning the changing costs landscape.


Clare Stanley QC
Represents a broad range of professionals in high-value negligence claims, including legal, financial, accountancy and insolvency practitioners. She is often involved in cases featuring highly complex and technical elements, especially in relation to trust law and fraud. She is regularly instructed to act on behalf of high-profile law firms and additionally represents claimants against lawyers.
“She is a go-to barrister for any professional negligence case with chancery issues.” “Very approachable and personable, she gives good strategic advice that looks at all the commercial aspects and not just the law.” “Great at assessing the strengths and weaknesses of difficult and complex cases. Very impressive grasp of the detail and the ability to distil it down.”
Recent work: Acted for the defendant solicitors in a claim that they had received money from the claimants on trust for them and had disbursed it in breach of trust.

Ian Croxford QC
Is an impressive advocate who boasts an extensive track record of dealing with large-scale professional liability cases. He takes on claims involving a wide range of professionals, including civil engineers, stockbrokers, solicitors and management consultants, among others.
“He’s a real warhorse with great presence in court. An outstanding trial lawyer.” “A very good courtroom advocate. He’s hard-working, sensible and very good to work with.”

James Ayliffe QC
Is an experienced silk who regularly takes on high-value professional negligence claims. Particularly active in cases arising in the property and legal sectors, he also handles claims relating to accountants, actuaries and financial advisers, among others.
“Simply excellent. He’s hugely intelligent, hard-working and a master tactician. Superb on his feet, hugely persuasive and always a real pleasure to work with.” “A very calm barrister who wears his intelligence lightly.” “He is a superb, technically outstanding barrister.”

John Wardell QC
Maintains a strong commercial practice with a steady emphasis on professional negligence matters, in which he acts for claimants and defendants. He regularly takes on cases relating to legal, financial and property services, and also defends other barristers against claims of negligence. His professional negligence practice is supported by his experience of fraud-related work.
“He is a pleasure to work with. He has fantastic cross-examination techniques and is very approachable.”
Recent work: Represented Carpmaels and Ransford, patent attorneys, defending a major claim concerning a failure to file a notice of appeal to the revocation of a patent, alleged to have caused the claimant loss of over EUR100 million.

Jonathan Seitler QC
Commands an impressive professional negligence practice in the property sector, often advising on claims relating to very high-value transactions. He regularly advises on cases brought as the result of allegedly faulty advice given by solicitors and valuers.
“Absolutely top-drawer. It’s such a pleasure to work with him, he’s really user-friendly.” “He’s very robust and direct, and clients like him a lot. Very sound on the core commercial issues. Also a nice man who speaks his mind.”
Recent work: Represented Persimmon and Taylor Wimpey in a claim against Osborne Clarke for failure to draft option agreements in a way that avoided foreseeable loss.

Paul Newman QC
Has a wealth of experience handling professional negligence claims relating to pension schemes and other financial services. He has particular expertise in cases arising out of failure to equalise the retirement ages of pension schemes.
“He gives sound commercial advice, understands the bigger picture and inspires confidence in the client.”
Recent work: Acted in a claim against benefit consultants for not obtaining a tax benefit for members of a pension scheme.

Real Estate Litigation (Band 2)

Wilberforce Chambers has “a very good reputation at all levels.” Sources appreciate that “the Wilberforce barristers are very approachable and happy to be a member of the client team.” Barristers here act in a wide range of property matters, including both residential and commercial landlord and tenant cases, development disputes, title disputes and agricultural property cases. Members appear frequently in the Court of Appeal and Supreme Court, including in high-profile cases such as Alexander Devine v Housing Solutions, concerning whether a developer who had knowingly constructed houses in breach of restrictive covenant could rely on the public interest in those houses being occupied to justify modifying the covenant, and Cornerstone v Ashloch, a case determining the rights telecoms operators have under the new telecoms code.

Client service: “The clerking is fantastic and they go out of their way to make things work and try to help you.” “The clerking service is very good. Fraser Geddes, senior practice manager, and Ben Rippengale, practice manager, are very responsive, unfailingly polite and professional.” Visitors to the set appreciate the warm welcome, with head receptionist Karen Edwards and receptionists Hannah Guyver and Hollie Tither being described as “worth their weight in gold.” Nicholas Luckman is the practice director.


Benjamin Faulkner
Focuses on high-profile, complex property litigation. He is noted for his user-friendly approach and attention to detail. His expertise extends to tenancy agreements and property statutes. He also handles cases related to town and village greens as well as land registration issues. He regularly takes on cases acting as sole counsel.
“He is a go-to barrister on opposed lease renewals. He’s an excellent advocate adept at charming judges, and he’s client-friendly and commercial in his approach, yet with a fantastic attention to detail on the technical aspects.”
Recent work: Acted in Duncan Investments v GKN Aerospace, a case concerning the issue of whether a tenant’s break option had been validly exercised.

Charlotte Black
Is a skilled junior and former solicitor who operates a broad practice in landlord and tenant and other property litigation. She is chiefly recognised for her expertise in dilapidations claims. She has acted in cases before the Supreme Court and High Court.

Emer Murphy
Is a respected junior attracting notable instructions in commercial and residential landlord and tenant matters. She also acts in development disputes and property contract cases, among other matters.
“She delivers her opinion in clear and client-friendly terms.” “She impresses clients straight away, is great to work with and her advice is commercial.”
Recent work: Acted in 11-13 Randolph Crescent Limited v Dr Duval, a Supreme Court case stemming from a landlord and tenant dispute over one tenant’s ability to carry out refurbishment works in their flat.

Harriet Holmes
Frequently appears in the High Court and county courts, taking on a diverse range of matters including adverse possession, enfranchisement and party wall issues. She has particular knowledge of niche areas of law including mines and minerals and telecoms. She is noted for her dedication to her clients.
“She puts in the hours to get the answers and she is really good at standing up and giving her opinion.” “She has a great attention to detail and is a pleasure to work with.”
Recent work: Acted for Natural Resources Body for Wales in a dispute over the ownership of mudstone across 40 titles covering hundreds of acres of forestry land. The court’s decision considered the application of the principles of adverse possession to sub-strata.

James Ayliffe QC
Is much praised for his approach to property cases. He is the editor of a leading landlord and tenant practitioner text and he regularly handles high-value property disputes including cases relating to real estate finance deals. He is able to act in cases spanning a range of jurisdictions.
“A fantastic mind. He brings together the financial and real estate worlds seamlessly.”
Recent work: Acted for Cummins, an American engineering company, in a dispute over the alleged breach of a conditional contract for the sale and purchase of land for a manufacturing facility.

James McCreath
Acts in a broad range of real estate matters, such as forfeiture and sale agreement disputes. He works at all levels of court, including recently the Supreme Court. He has significant expertise in restrictive covenant cases.
“An extremely impressive barrister with excellent judgement and grasp of legal issues.” “Good with clients of all types. He explains matters in simple and clear terms.”
Recent work: Acted for Housing Solutions in Alexander Devine v Housing Solutions, a Supreme Court appeal concerned with the modification of restrictive covenants under Section 84 of the Law of Property Act 1925.

Joanne Wicks QC
Has a fine reputation as a top real estate QC, and has a practice centred on commercial and residential property transactions and professional negligence. She regularly appears in the Supreme Court. She also undertakes arbitration and expert determination work.
“She’s extremely approachable and goes over and above. Clients warm to her willingness to listen to their point. She also champions juniors and women in the profession.” “She makes heavyweight work and issues seemingly uncomplicated and light.” “An excellent landlord and tenant silk with a forensic mind and unrivalled attention to detail.”
Recent work: Instructed by TFS Stores, a tenant, in an appeal to the Court of Appeal concerning the process by which business tenants agree to give up the security of tenure they would otherwise have under the Landlord and Tenant Act 1954.

John Furber QC
Is particularly adept at handling landlord and tenant disputes, and an expert on development and commercial property cases. His practice also incorporates matters relating to easements and restricted covenants. He also edits a leading textbook on landlord and tenant law.

Jonathan Chew
Has a robust real estate litigation practice and is highly experienced in the High Court. He frequently handles high-value landlord and tenant disputes. He is also able to handle complex cases involving property-related fraud.
“He is very commercial, approachable and a good team member.” “An outstanding junior barrister capable of running litigation himself and of being led by the most senior QCs on cases of the highest profile and complexity.”
Recent work: Acted for Lodha Developers in a dispute over the termination of sale of a Grosvenor Square penthouse and other apartments which were meant to be purchased as part of a major redevelopment. The case concerned whether COVID-19 and lockdown were reasons that justified the buyer not completing the sale.

Jonathan Davey QC
Has extensive experience of working in the Court of Appeal. He is an expert in real property and landlord and tenant disputes for clients including government departments and corporate entities. He is editor of Butterworths Property Law Handbook.
“His ability to read the judge and pivot his approach on the fly is deeply impressive.” “He puts clients at ease.” “Excellent advocacy and thinking on his feet.”
Recent work: Instructed by HM Revenue and Customs on a case concerned with the tax consequences of investments by high net worth individuals in the conversion and development of a hotel near Luton Airport.

Jonathan Seitler QC
Continues to be considered one of the top property litigation silks at the Bar. He frequently handles a broad caseload of high-profile, complex real estate disputes. He is particularly prized for his superior level of expertise in tricky appellate cases and is often at the forefront of establishing new points of law in the area.
“Jonathan is one of the most approachable experts at the Bar and deals with the most demanding clients.” “He is full of bright ideas and is excellent at arguing difficult points. Importantly, clients trust his judgement.” “He has got a very good legal mind, but also commercial acumen.”
Recent work: Instructed by Cornerstone in a case to determine what rights telecoms operators have under the new telecoms code during the term of a telecoms lease.

Julian Greenhill QC
Is a major player at the property Bar known for his expertise in handling real property and landlord and tenant cases, among his wider chancery and commercial law practice. He is noted by market sources for his excellent advocacy and client skills.
“He is very keen to understand all aspects of the case, even the non-legal aspects like the commercial and technical issues.” “He is particularly approachable, accessible and reliable. He is also an excellent advocate.”
Recent work: Acted in the High Court and Court of Appeal in Fishbourne Developments v Stephens, a dispute over whether an option to purchase farmland had been triggered.

Mark Wonnacott QC
Is an established property silk with a practice involving complex property litigation, who regularly handles landlord and tenant and dilapidations cases. He has appeared at all levels of the domestic courts up to the Supreme Court. He is lauded particularly for his commercial property practice, among other aspects.
“Everyone feels in very safe hands when he is involved in a dispute. When the unexpected happens in a case, you get the feeling he had it planned out that way all along. He doesn’t think two steps ahead, more like twenty.” “Mark is a fearsome cross-examiner and a clear and persuasive advocate.”
Recent work: Acted for Natural Resources Body for Wales in the first mines and minerals case to consider how the principles of adverse possession are applied to sub-strata.

Martin Hutchings QC
Is noted for his impressive property practice spanning contentious and non-contentious matters and professional liability. His areas of specialism include landlord and tenant matters, dilapidations and lease issues. He is also regularly instructed in relation to restrictive covenants and development agreements.
“He’s a very quick worker who understands the commercial points in disputes and delivers advice and advocacy in a calm and reassuring manner.” “Highly effective and incredibly user-friendly.”
Recent work: Acted for Housing Solutions in the first Supreme Court case to deal with the modification of covenants under Section 84(1) LPA 1925.

Simon Atkinson
Is regularly instructed in high-value real estate cases. He handles everything from disputes regarding property titles, to rights of way cases and possession claims.
“He reviews documents and understands points very quickly.” “He is very accessible and happy to debate issues.”
Recent work: Acted for Her Royal Highness Princess Aljawharah in an ongoing dispute over a high-value property in London. The claimant is alleged to have paused proceedings pending the outcome of litigation in other jurisdictions.

Tiffany Scott QC
Has a highly visible practice in the property litigation sector. She has become known for her work in the full spectrum of real estate cases and has handled matters relating to rights of light, trespass and adverse possession. In addition, she also regularly tackles development disputes, and has contributed to and edited a number of prominent texts on real estate law.
“She has a knack for cutting through the wider noise and getting straight to the nub of the issue to come up with a strategic way forward.” “Her attention to detail, thoroughness and cross-examination were amazing. Her written work was incredible too.”
Recent work: Acted for London & Quadrant in proceedings to obtain possession of a development site in London from Morrisons on grounds that L&Q wish to develop the site to provide 215 new homes.

Tom Roscoe
Has a strong property practice with a particular focus on commercial matters. He has impressive experience advising clients in the public and private sectors on trespass and adverse possession issues.
“Tom has been impressively adaptable during more testing times. He has a strong commercial awareness and quickly gets to grips with the complex nature of the dispute.” “He was approachable and very good on the issues technically and strategically.” “Excellent written and oral advocacy.”
Recent work: Acted for the Secretary of State and HS2 in injunction proceedings to restrain unlawful protest action.

Zoë Barton QC
Has a practice that combines property, trusts and estates with other chancery work. She is known for taking on cases with elements of fraud, and for acting for high street retailers. Barton is further noted for her work in property-related professional negligence claims.
“She provides excellent client service and advises in a client-friendly way.” “Outstanding analysis and advocacy.” “Brilliant tactically.”
Recent work: Acted for Gatsby Charitable Foundation in a claim connected to an exclusivity agreement for the purchase of a £28 million property.

Restructuring/Insolvency (Band 3)

Wilberforce Chambers is noted for its impressive work tackling both corporate and personal insolvency matters. Members are frequently called upon to undertake cases arising both in the UK and further afield, and offer significant expertise in the handling of complex multi-jurisdictional disputes. Areas of particular strength for the set include administrations, CVAs, restructurings and schemes of arrangement. The team is also regularly instructed in cases involving complex pensions and property elements, owing to the set’s established strengths in these areas. An enviable client list includes creditors, debtors and insolvency officeholders. Instructing solicitors note that Wilberforce has “a superb reputation and an impressive bench of barristers.”

Client service: “The clerks are very responsive, keen to help and will chase things up at court – they’re willing to show initiative and help in any way they can.” “The clerking service is second to none and you can always get hold of someone.” Nicholas Luckman is the practice director.


Bobby Friedman
Has a broad commercial chancery practice which encompasses civil fraud, company and insolvency disputes. He is regularly instructed in both domestic and offshore matters, and is called in the BVI.
“A personable, passionate and persuasive advocate.”
Recent work: Acted for the insolvency practitioners in Re Ideal Windows, a claim seeking the repayment of monies from the director of a now insolvent company on the basis of wrongful trading/illegal dividends/payments made that were preferences and/or transactions at an undervalue.

Daniel Lewis
Is highly popular in the market for his advocacy style and personable manner. He undertakes wide-ranging insolvency work, with a particular emphasis on claims arising from participation in tax avoidance schemes. He is also well regarded for his handling of professional negligence claims both for and against insolvency office holders. He is noted for his expertise in international insolvency matters.
“He is just as alive to the commercial aspects of litigation as he is to the technical position.” “He’s a pleasure to work with and is good on his feet.”
Recent work: Acted on behalf of a group of investors seeking the appointment of administrators over a large group of hotels which were alleged to have been operated as a collective investment scheme.

James Bailey QC
Is a well-regarded silk who has a strong practice encompassing commercial chancery, company and insolvency law. He frequently plays a key role in major, high-profile cases. He is frequently involved in cases concerning misfeasance and wrongful trading claims and has considerable expertise handling contentious recovery work.
“He’s really analytical, methodical, hard-working and gets to the point quickly.”
Recent work: Instructed in Lynda Dixon v Nicholas Myers and Adam Stephens (in their capacity as administrators of L&ND Development and Design), a case which considered apparently conflicting authorities providing guidance as to the circumstances in which insolvency office holders should or should not assign causes of action.

Lexa Hilliard QC
Is an esteemed practitioner offering an impressive breadth of experience and expertise across all areas of insolvency law. She regularly takes instruction at both the domestic and international levels and has been instructed in relation to several offshore disputes in the Caribbean, Channel Islands and Isle of Man. Her respected practice focuses predominantly on advisory work.
“She is extremely user-friendly, approaches things in a clear and pragmatic way, and through her seniority and experience she has a very good understanding of how judges think.” “She always provides a top service and puts her clients as a priority.”
Recent work: Instructed in Marylebone Warwick Balfour Management Limited v Richard Balfour Lynn and others, a claim for £38 million against seven former directors for breach of fiduciary duty in causing the company to make large payments to themselves at the expense of HMRC.

Marcia Shekerdemian QC
Is regularly approached by clients seeking advice on corporate and personal insolvency cases. She has carved out a niche in the area of fraud and asset recovery work, and regularly acts in cross-border cases. She represents a variety of clients including directors, debtors, office holders and lenders.
“She is very, very intelligent and her attention to detail is excellent.” “One of the most insightful and perceptive barristers at the Bar.” “She’s calm, very bright, reassuring and forthright – absolutely top drawer.”
Recent work: Acted for a law firm in Re Garwood, a dispute over office holder remuneration and legal fees received by the firm for work done by its deceased former partner Garwood, who was dual-qualified and took insolvency appointments as trustee in bankruptcy but used his law firm for work on the estates.

Thomas Robinson
Is well known for his adept representation of the Pensions Regulator and continues to be a popular choice for international insolvency matters. He has experience appearing before the Supreme Court.
“He’s pragmatic, client-friendly and good on his feet.” “He is very reassuring with clients and solicitors.”
Recent work: Acted for the Pensions Regulator in regulatory proceedings seeking contributions for the pension scheme of the Silentnight Group. The case arose from the pre-pack administration of the group in 2011.


Jonathan Davey QC
Is accomplished in handling tax litigation for both the Revenue and the taxpayer. His experience includes a great many high-value disputes involving individuals and limited liability partnerships. He has considerable knowledge of probate, pensions and trusts issues.
“A really good technician and a smooth advocate.” “He is a very good cross-examiner who is excellent on his feet.”
Recent work: Acted in Gareth Clark v HMRC, a case concerning the tax consequences of individuals seeking to ‘liberate’ their pension funds through UK and offshore trusts.

Tax: Indirect Tax

Jonathan Davey QC
Is an esteemed silk noted for his ability in indirect tax cases. He regularly acts for the Revenue, handling prominent VAT cases in the charity and education sectors.
“A really good technician and a smooth advocate.” “He prepares his cases thoroughly.”
Recent work: Acted in Witney Town Bowles Club v HMRC, a case regarding the meaning of ‘community amateur sports club’ in the context of an indirect tax dispute as to the proper characterisation of building works carried out at the club.

Tax: Private Client (Band 2)

Barristers at Wilberforce Chambers act for individuals on the full array of private client matters. They regularly advise on onshore and offshore trusts, as well as tax domicile issues. An interviewee reports: “This is an excellent chambers for offshore tax and core private client work.”


Brian Green QC
Is a well-known chancery silk whose private client tax practice is much respected. He is an exceptional choice of counsel for taxation of trusts matters.
“Cuts to the chase and spots the issues.” “He is willing to go the extra mile, making himself available whenever needed.”

Emily Campbell
Is particularly experienced in private client tax matters, and has expertise in both litigation and advisory matters.
“Really knowledgeable, effective and good with clients.” “When on her feet she shoots from the hip in a hugely impressive way.”

Jonathan Davey QC
Is a highly respected silk who is trusted with complex work by both HMRC and private clients. He is noted for his work on high-value trusts. Davey is particularly well known for his recent work in high-profile film scheme litigation.
“He has this really fantastic ability to make the complicated simple.” “He is very, very diligent and always excellently prepared.”
Recent work: Instructed by the Revenue in London Luton BPRA Fund LLP v HMRC, a test case concerning the Capital Allowances Act 2001.

Michael Furness QC
Is a well-regarded tax, pensions and chancery specialist. He handles a wide array of offshore trusts litigation and tax scheme cases, including those pertaining to film schemes. He further advises on tax structuring.
“Thoughtful, intelligent, user-friendly and particularly strong on technical matters.”
Recent work: Acted in Scott v HMRC, a Court of Appeal case concerning the ability to claim unused corresponding deficiency relief to reduce the rate payable on chargeable gains.


Andrew Mold QC
Has particular expertise in breach of trust and breach of fiduciary duty claims. He is also known for his skill with regard to the treatment of trust assets in high-value divorce cases. His experience extends to offshore disputes and he is also admitted to the Cayman Islands Bar.
“Very bright and a really hard worker.”

Brian Green QC
Is lauded as one of the foremost trusts barristers. He handles a broad range of both domestic and international cases, and is particularly recognised for his offshore expertise and his handling of disputes involving the variation of trusts. His recent advisory work has centred on trusts in the Bahamas, the Cook Islands, Gibraltar and New Zealand.
“He is extremely clever and he has a real worldly wisdom about him.”

Fenner Moeran QC
Is known for handling sensitive trusts disputes involving complex family situations. He often acts for large financial institutions and has developed a substantial offshore disputes practice.
“He has a really calm manner and a great ability to focus on the key points in a case. He can really see the wood for the trees.”
Recent work: Instructed in a multimillion-pound claim under the Inheritance (Provision for Family & Dependants) Act 1975.

Gilead Cooper QC
Is instructed in some of the most important and high-profile trusts cases of recent years. He has an increasingly international practice and acts for many significant clients in this area. Cooper is admitted to the BVI Bar and frequently appears in the courts of the Cayman Islands and Hong Kong.
“Assured in his approach and consequently very reassuring to the client, he provides first-rate advice. He is very clear in his analysis.”
Recent work: Handled a case concerning a beneficiary claiming the right to the use and enjoyment of a historic collection of paintings and furniture held in trust under her husband’s will.

Jonathan Hilliard QC
Has appeared in many confidential and high-value trusts and divorce cases in the UK courts and in offshore jurisdictions. He also regularly acts for trustees in professional negligence and breach of trust claims. His expertise includes in-depth knowledge of trusts that hold complex corporate structures.
“He is engaging, naturally curious, passionate about his subject and forensic in his examination of the facts.”

Robert Ham QC
Offers significant expertise in trusts law as part of his broad private client law practice. He handles both contentious and non-contentious mandates in the UK and abroad. Ham is particularly adept dealing with offshore disputes for wealthy families and trust companies.
“He has a whole wealth of knowledge of trusts law and does a lot of offshore work. He has a leading reputation in this sector.”

Andrew Child
Is a highly experienced junior with a broad knowledge of domestic and offshore trusts law. He regularly acts for personal representatives, trustees and beneficiaries in breach of trust claims. Child has in-depth expertise in trust matters with a fraud element.
“Great at working out the tactical advantages of a case and pushing the right points. He is also really good at cross-examining.”

Emily Campbell
Is experienced at tackling complex private client litigation and also an expert in drafting trust documentation. Her practice encompasses cross-border trust disputes and she is also well versed in professional negligence claims involving trust law. She is also known for her ability to deal with technical trust issues with considerable mathematical content.
“She is really really bright and knows lots of technical detail about trusts law.”