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Thursday 20 February 2014

Amanda Clutterbuck and Ian Paton v Sarah Al Amoudi

Sarah Al Amoudi, the Defendant in the above proceedings, has made the following comments on the Judgment handed down on 20 February 2014:-

“I am very grateful and relieved that this long and extremely stressful ordeal has at last come to an end with the claims made against me being completely dismissed.

I am very pleased that the Judge has found that there never have been any joint ventures or business dealings between me and the Claimants, that the Claimants have no interest whatsoever in any of my properties, and that their allegations of misrepresentation and fraud are wholly unfounded.

As well as dismissing these allegations and finding them to be untrue, the Judge has also said that on the balance of probabilities the Claimants have even fabricated evidence to bolster their claims.

Both before and during the Trial the Claimants have tried to put pressure on me and those supporting me by making very nasty personal allegations about my character.  They have been able to make these, even though they are untrue and have been found to be unsupported by evidence, under the cover of these proceedings.  The Claimants’ briefing of the press about these allegations has resulted in deeply unpleasant newspaper reports about me, both before, during and since the Trial.

The Judge has made detailed findings of fact in my favour on all of the key allegations and I do not therefore intend to repeat those findings in this statement.  The outcome does, however, reaffirm my absolute belief in British justice.

I would like to thank all those who have supported me during this Trial, in particular my legal team and those who have been willing to come to Court to give evidence in my support in the face of hostile and unpleasant press coverage and aggressive cross-examination.

Now that this ordeal is at an end I would like to be left alone to rebuild my life and would ask that my privacy be respected.

Jonathan Seitler QC, Sarah Al Amoudi’s Counsel, adds: “This case was extremely hard fought and on a number of fronts at once. It presented unique challenges. I would like to thank my very Learned Junior Emer Murphy and fantastic solicitors Antony Morris and Stephen James, both of Clarkslegal, all three of whom have been absolutely superb throughout.”

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