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Friday 4 March 2016

(Legal Week) Trust & Estates Litigation Forum 2016

Gilead Cooper QC and Jonathan Hilliard QC will both be speaking at Legal Week – Trust & Estates Litigation Forum 2016

Jonathan will be presenting an Early Bird session on Friday (day 2):

08.30am Early bird session: Trustee blessing proceedings that turn nasty – how to exploit them or keep them in check

Join us bright and early to share insights and best practice regarding trustee blessing proceedings.  We look at keeping blessing proceedings manageable where they are likely to be contested and how the Earl of Cardigan v Cotton [2014] guidance actually work in practice; how much evidence you need – Re AAA [2014] and “moving” decisions; Beddoes to defend hostile claims – including claims over who owns the trust assets; a blessing where a beneficiary or the trust is caught up in a divorce battle- excluding beneficiaries (Otto Poon [2015]), when you might submit, and other recent problems; the dangers of open justice-  the new privacy landscape in England post V v T&A [2014] and offshore developments; and, in practice, what test is the court applying in Beddoe and blessing proceedings?

Gilead will be presenting a Masterclass on Saturday (day 3)

10.30am Masterclass: Art
Whether art is an investment, a hobby or has been passed down through the generations, there are as many potential disputes related to it as there are brush strokes in a Monet. Our expert line up examines the latest case law and thinking on such issues as: authenticity and the duties of experts; protecting cultural heritage and the returning of looted items; and loss of sale due to art being damaged.

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