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Thursday 29 November 2018

Danilina v Kargin features in The Times

The case of Lolita Vladimirovna Danilina v Vladimir Anatolevich Chernukhin 2) Navigator Equities Limited 3) Vladim Kargin appeared in Tuesday’s edition of The Times (27th November 2018). Iain Pester acts for the Third Defendant in the proceedings, Vadim Kargin, who is being sued by Mrs Danilina for in excess of US$100 million in respect of breaches of an alleged agency agreement, and an unlawful means conspiracy. Mr Kargin acted for Mr Chernukhin in various transactions. Mrs Danilina is disputing this.

Iain is appearing as sole counsel and his knowledge of Russian is coming in handy in the proceedings. To view his full profile, please click here.

To read the full article in The Times, please see here.

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