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Thursday 30 April 2015

Joanna Smith QC to speak at Construction Law Conference

Joanna Smith QC will be speaking at the annual Construction Law conference (White Paper) – Construction Law: Shaping New Cases into Solution-Focused Advice for Clients

Her session will cover:

Liquidated Damages
When does an agreed liquidated damages clause go too far and become a penalty?
** What scope do you have for arguing that the courts should intervene and the clause be ruled ineffective? (Talal El Makdessi [2013] EWCA, Unaoil v Leighton Offshore [2014] EWHC)

Answered by: the “charming, persuasive and able”, Joanna Smith QC, who is “marked out for her superb advocacy“. She “is a great person to have on side in court” and acting in the Makdessi litigation, appealing to the Supreme Court.

The conference will take place on Thursday 11 June 2015 at the Caledonian Club, St James’s, in London.  For further information and details on how to book please see the White Paper website here

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