Commercial disputes, Banking and financial services, Civil fraud and asset recovery, Company law, Cryptocurrency, Insolvency, International / offshore, International arbitration, Joint venture and partnership disputes, Pensions, Professional liability, Property, Regulatory and disciplinary, Sports law, Tax, Trusts, probate and estates: contentiousFriday 1 December 2023
Four wins for Wilberforce at Chambers UK Bar Awards 2023
We are absolutely delighted to have picked up four awards at last night’s Chambers UK Bar Awards!
We are proud to announce that Wilberforce Chambers won the highly coveted ‘Set of the Year‘ award, as well as ‘Chancery Set of the Year’.
Tim Penny KC won the ‘Chancery Silk of the Year‘ award and Jonathan Seitler KC won the ‘Professional Negligence Silk of the Year’ award.
When announcing Wilberforce Chambers as Set of the Year, Chambers and Partners said “Our set of the year was, in terms of nominations, well represented in several categories at the Chambers Bar Awards, proving successful in a good number of them. Constantly buttressing its strength through impressive lateral hires in recent years, it is a major player in the chancery and commercial spheres both domestically and offshore, a noted pensions specialist and a set that has this year secured a band one ranking in Real Estate in our latest guide to the legal profession.” To read more about the event, please see here.
A big thank you to all our clients for your ongoing support of Chambers.
Congratulations to the rest of the winners.