Recent Cases
Court of Appeal hands down judgment in Wang v Darby
Cryptocurrency, Civil fraud and asset recovery, Commercial disputes
Daniel Scott
Monday 10 February 2025
Dan is described in the legal directories as a ‘rising star’ whose advocacy is ‘excellent’. He is also known for his ‘piercing’ cross-examination. He has a very busy commercial chancery practice with a particular emphasis on commercial, civil fraud, insolvency and property work. He also has a professional liability practice related to his expertise in these areas.
He is an assured but tenacious advocate, who is always willing to roll his sleeves up to fight for his clients. He combines an analytical approach to his cases with a commercial understanding of what clients really want.
He is regularly instructed in cases that are of high value and complexity. He appears frequently in the Commercial Court and in the Chancery Division, often against senior juniors or KCs. He is equally comfortable being instructed as part of a larger team and enjoys collaborating with both his leaders and instructing solicitors. Dan also maintains an advisory practice, and prides himself on being able to deliver speedy and pertinent advice to his clients whenever it is needed.
Many of Dan’s cases have a multi-jurisdictional dimension. His recent cases have involved jurisdictions including the BVI, Cayman Islands, the People’s Republic of China, Hong Kong, the Channel Islands, Saudi Arabia and many more. Dan is therefore particularly alive to the kind of problems that arise in such cases and enjoys grappling with foreign law issues and disputes over jurisdiction.
Dan is ranked in the Legal 500 2024 as a Rising Star in Commercial Litigation.
Commercial disputes
Dan is ranked in the Legal 500 2024 as a Rising Star in Commercial Litigation. He acts in a wide range of commercial disputes including claims concerning breach of contract, civil fraud, and insolvency law issues. He has a particular interest in civil fraud and the obtaining of freezing injunctions and other forms of interim relief. He also has considerable experience of proceedings for contempt of court. His involvement as junior counsel in the Wang v Darby litigation means that he has particular expertise in cryptocurrency fraud disputes, and the ways in which existing weapons in the armoury of civil fraud practitioners are being deployed to address new problems. He is regularly involved in claims which involve breach of fiduciary duty and/or breach of trust, and an element of dishonesty.
Dan is also frequently instructed in disputes involving company law issues, including shareholder disputes, allegations of breach of directors’ duties, unfairly prejudicial conduct, share purchase agreements and breach of warranty claims.
His recent notable instructions include:
Daniel prepares thoroughly and his advocacy is excellent. His cross-examination is piercing and helps clients prevail.
Recent Cases
Cryptocurrency, Civil fraud and asset recovery, Commercial disputes
Daniel Scott
Monday 10 February 2025
Events / Webinars
Wednesday 6th November 2024 | 12.30pm - 5.55pm, followed by drinks and canapés
The Westin London City
£145 + VAT | 3.75 CPD
View moreRecent Cases
Cryptocurrency, Civil fraud and asset recovery, Commercial disputes
Daniel Scott
Friday 26 July 2024
Events / Webinars
Wednesday 8th November 2023 | 12.45pm - 5.30pm, followed by drinks
Courthouse Hotel Shoreditch, London
£120 + VAT | 3.5 CPD
View moreProperty
Daniel has a busy and varied property practice. He deals regularly with landlord and tenant disputes (both commercial and residential), real property work and land registration issues. He also has particular expertise in complex possession and trespass claims which involve an element of political protest, and therefore engage human rights considerations. His property practice complements his other areas of expertise, and he often works on property cases which involve elements of trusts law, commercial law, civil fraud and insolvency.
Dan also has expertise in claims where the beneficial ownership of property is disputed, often where there is a lack of formality in the arrangements between the parties. He is particularly adept at running cases based on common intention constructive trusts, resulting trusts and proprietary estoppel.
He is also regularly instructed in cases under Part II of the Landlord and Tenant Act 1954 and has particular experience of ground (f) cases.
Daniel enjoys working both on his own and as part of a larger team of counsel.
As part of a counsel team, Daniel’s recent experience includes:
As sole counsel, Daniel’s recent property experience includes:
Daniel prepares thoroughly and his advocacy is excellent. His cross-examination is piercing and helps clients prevail.
Events / Webinars
Thursday 1 May 2025 | 12.15pm - 5.55pm, followed by drinks and canapés,
The View at The Royal College of Surgeons, London
£75 + VAT | 3.5 CPD
View moreEvents / Webinars
Thursday 7th March 2024 | 3pm - 5.55pm, followed by drinks
The Grand Hotel, Birmingham
Free to attend | 2.0 CPD
View morePublications
Jonathan Seitler KC | Joanne Wicks KC | Julian Greenhill KC | Tiffany Scott KC | Benjamin Faulkner | Jonathan Chew | Daniel Scott | Francesca Mitchell | Daniel Petrides
March 2022
Daniel Scott, Francesca Mitchell and Daniel Petrides discuss the scope and application of Practice Direction 51Z in light of both its recent revision and the forthcoming appeal concerning its legality.
Daniel Scott | Francesca Mitchell | Daniel Petrides
Friday 24 April 2020
Civil fraud and asset recovery
Dan has particular expertise in disputes involving civil fraud and asset recovery. He has significant experience of seeking (and opposing) the various forms of interim relief that arise in civil fraud litigation, including freezing orders, proprietary injunctions, receivership orders, Norwich Pharmacal and Bankers Trust relief, and other disclosure orders. He also had considerable experience of proceedings for contempt of court and of the new CPR Part 81. His involvement as junior counsel in the Wang v Darby litigation means that he has particular expertise in cryptocurrency fraud disputes, and the ways in which existing weapons in the armoury of civil fraud practitioners are being deployed to address new problems.
He also has experience of bringing the full range of civil fraud claims, including conspiracy, deceit, dishonest assistance, knowing receipt and breach of fiduciary duty.
His recent notable instructions include:
Recent Cases
Cryptocurrency, Civil fraud and asset recovery, Commercial disputes
Daniel Scott
Monday 10 February 2025
Events / Webinars
Wednesday 6th November 2024 | 12.30pm - 5.55pm, followed by drinks and canapés
The Westin London City
£145 + VAT | 3.75 CPD
View moreRecent Cases
Cryptocurrency, Civil fraud and asset recovery, Commercial disputes
Daniel Scott
Friday 26 July 2024
Events / Webinars
Wednesday 8th November 2023 | 12.45pm - 5.30pm, followed by drinks
Courthouse Hotel Shoreditch, London
£120 + VAT | 3.5 CPD
View moreInsolvency
Dan has a diverse and burgeoning insolvency practice. He regularly acts for office holders, directors, creditors and insolvent companies or individuals. His practice involves primarily contentious work before the Insolvency & Companies Court Judges in the High Court and covers both personal and corporate insolvency. He also undertakes advisory work and advises frequently on the full gamut of insolvency processes.
Dan has particular expertise in claims reviewing transactions, such as preference claims, claims concerning transactions at an undervalue and claims concerning transactions defrauding creditors under section 423 of the Insolvency Act 1986.
He also has considerable experience of applications challenging the decision of officeholders under sections 168 and 303 of the Insolvency Act 1986.
Much of Dan’s insolvency work complements his commercial, fraud and property expertise. He is uniquely equipped to deal with insolvency issues that straddle the traditional lines between these practice areas.
Recent instructions include:
Daniel prepares thoroughly and his advocacy is excellent. His cross-examination is piercing and helps clients prevail.
Events / Webinars
Wednesday 6th November 2024 | 12.30pm - 5.55pm, followed by drinks and canapés
The Westin London City
£145 + VAT | 3.75 CPD
View moreEvents / Webinars
Thursday 1st February 2024 | 12.30pm - 5.55pm, followed by drinks and dinner
The Carlton Tower Jumeirah, London
£130 - £185 + VAT | 4 CPD
View moreEvents / Webinars
Wednesday 8th November 2023 | 12.45pm - 5.30pm, followed by drinks
Courthouse Hotel Shoreditch, London
£120 + VAT | 3.5 CPD
View moreArticles
This article was first published in ThoughtLeaders4 FIRE Magazine Issue 10. Click here to view the full article
By Thomas Robinson KC | Daniel Scott | Daniel Petrides
Monday 26 September 2022
Registered name: Mr Daniel Lewis Scott
VAT number: 290468383