Events / Webinars
Wilberforce Commercial Litigation Conference 2024
Wednesday 2nd October 2024 | 12.15pm - 5.50pm, followed by drinks and canapés
The Langham, London
£155 + VAT | 3.1 CPD
View moreRecognised as a leader at the Bar in all of his areas of practice, Stuart Isaacs KC is conspicuous for his exceptional legal and technical knowledge and abilities.
Stuart has an established reputation as a barrister specialising in international commercial arbitration and litigation, with a particular focus on London and Asia. He was the first London KC to be authorised to practise as a foreign lawyer in Singapore. Stuart advises and represents clients in court and arbitration proceedings worldwide. He sits regularly as an arbitrator and is a Deputy Judge of the High Court of England and Wales.
With an almost exclusively international focus, his practice covers the range of heavy commercial disputes. Stuart is highly experienced in international commercial arbitration and investment treaty arbitration, both as counsel acting for the parties and as a much in-demand arbitrator.
Stuart has also given expert evidence on English commercial law issues in courts and arbitration tribunals in a number of overseas jurisdictions. These have included courts and tribunals in New York, Singapore, Italy and Israel, in the form of both written opinions and oral evidence.
Commercial disputes
Stuart has experience of all types of banking and financial disputes, civil fraud cases, commercial contracts, corporate disputes, competition matters, disputes in the energy and natural resources sectors, insurance and reinsurance, professional negligence and insolvency. A particular interest lies in jurisdictional and private international law issues and enforcement issues including freezing orders and anti-suit injunctions.
Disputes over lending, securities, letters of credit and bills of exchange; civil fraud claims, particularly those involving Eastern European and Indian parties; joint venture and shareholder disputes, competition matters; oil and gas disputes and disputes in the mining sector, particularly involving coal and shale and precious metals and gemstones; coverage and avoidance issues in the marine and non-marine insurance and reinsurance sectors; shipbuilding, charterparties and bills of lading, and accountants’, solicitors’ and brokers’ negligence have all been part of his work.
He has also been involved in several commercial judicial review cases mainly involving regulatory issues.
His cases have arisen not only in London and Singapore, but in other jurisdictions, notably Bermuda, Hong Kong, India, Malaysia, Mauritius and in the Caribbean.
Stuart has appeared in over 20 cases in the Court of Justice of the European Union and General Court in Luxembourg, as well as many cases in the English domestic courts involving European law issues. His landmark cases include those relating to the issue of Sunday trading, the ban on the export of British beef following the BSE crisis some years ago and the imposition of sanctions on Serbia.
He has access to an experienced team of competition law economists and other experts.
Stuart has acted as counsel both in England and in other common law jurisdictions in hundreds of court cases, of which the following illustrate the depth and range of his experience:
Stuart also has experience in aviation-related disputes. Examples are as follows:
Stuart is a very thorough and clever counsel. His cross examination is excellent and he presents key aspects of complex cases with great clarity.
His advocacy is always impeccable. He is calm, and judges and tribunals give huge weight to his submissions. A silk with authority and gravitas.
He is quick and sharp at spotting issues and quickly resolving procedural issues.
Stuart is a class act. Smart, polished and able to cut incisively into the heart of every case and produce arguments that simply win. He is also a pleasure to appear before as an arbitrator.
Stuart is a delight to work with, balanced and measured in his approach.
Events / Webinars
Wednesday 2nd October 2024 | 12.15pm - 5.50pm, followed by drinks and canapés
The Langham, London
£155 + VAT | 3.1 CPD
View moreArticles
To read or download this article as a PDF, please click here. Ever since the House of Lords decision in Fiona Trust & Holding Corporation v Privalov [2007] UKHL 40, the principle of the separability of arbitration agreements has been... Read more
By Stuart Isaacs KC | Elizabeth Houghton
Monday 10 July 2023
Events / Webinars
Thursday 8th June 2023 | 12.15pm - 5.55pm followed by drinks & canapés
The View at The Royal College of Surgeons, Lincoln's Inn Fields, WC2A 3PE
£130 + VAT | 4.0 CPD
View moreArticles
To read or download this article as a PDF, please click here. Arbitrability is a hot topic in international commercial arbitration. There is a developing body of recent case-law, of which the most interesting and important is perhaps the decision... Read more
By Stuart Isaacs KC | Jia Wei Lee
Tuesday 9 May 2023
Stuart is noted in legal directories as having a practice of international standing. He is commended for his ‘tactical head’ and as being a ‘strong litigator’ and ‘superb tactician’ who ‘gets results that others only dream of’. He is ‘highly rated’ by Legal 500. He has represented clients in a number of reported cases in the insolvency field and has particular experience in the field of cross-border insolvency. In particular, he acted for the US Receiver in the Stanford Bank litigation in the English and Antiguan courts and was involved in several of the cases arising out of the collapse of Kaupthing Bank. Stuart is co-editor of The EU Regulation on Insolvency Proceedings (3rd edition, 2016). He sits as a Deputy Judge of the High Court of England and Wales, in which capacity he has decided a number of cases in the insolvency field.
Recent work includes:
Stuart is a very thorough and clever counsel. His cross examination is excellent and he presents key aspects of complex cases with great clarity.
His advocacy is always impeccable. He is calm, and judges and tribunals give huge weight to his submissions. A silk with authority and gravitas.
He is quick and sharp at spotting issues and quickly resolving procedural issues.
Stuart is a class act. Smart, polished and able to cut incisively into the heart of every case and produce arguments that simply win. He is also a pleasure to appear before as an arbitrator.
Stuart is a delight to work with, balanced and measured in his approach.
Stuart Isaacs KC
October 2023
International arbitration
In addition to his counsel role, Stuart is much in demand as an arbitrator in international commercial disputes and investment treaty disputes. He has conducted hundreds of arbitrations and is regularly appointed as presiding, sole or co-arbitrator by parties and by the leading arbitral institutions.
He features in The Legal 500’s International Arbitration Powerlist UK and is ranked in both Chambers Asia-Pacific and Chambers Singapore as a ‘most in demand arbitrator’.
He conducts commercial arbitrations under the arbitration rules of the ICC, LCIA, SIAC, HKIAC, CIETAC and KCAB and under UNCITRAL Rules amongst others, as well as in ad hoc arbitrations. He has also been involved in several ICSID disputes under bilateral investment treaties and many ad hoc arbitrations in a variety of fields.
He has determined disputes under a variety of systems of law, including not only English law but also the laws of Hong Kong, India, Indonesia, Mauritius, New York, Nigeria, Singapore, South Africa and Switzerland.
Swift resolution of disputes is his forte. He strives to deal with pre-hearing matters, hearings and the production of awards speedily and efficiently, making himself constantly available to the parties. Often, he is willing to travel at short notice in order to reduce the parties’ own costs. He has been described as a ‘most efficient manager’ of proceedings who ‘exercises considerable judgment’.
He is a Fellow of the Australian Centre for International Commercial Arbitration (ACICA) and of the Singapore Institute of Arbitrators. He is also a Liveryman of the Worshipful Company of Arbitrators, one of the City of London’s Modern Livery Companies.
Stuart has acted as counsel or as arbitrator in the following cases which are illustrative of the depth of experience and range of arbitration matters in which he has been involved:
Commercial arbitration
Software arbitration
Construction arbitration
Energy arbitration
Insurance arbitration
Shipping arbitration
Stuart is a very thorough and clever counsel. His cross examination is excellent and he presents key aspects of complex cases with great clarity.
His advocacy is always impeccable. He is calm, and judges and tribunals give huge weight to his submissions. A silk with authority and gravitas.
He is quick and sharp at spotting issues and quickly resolving procedural issues.
Stuart is a class act. Smart, polished and able to cut incisively into the heart of every case and produce arguments that simply win. He is also a pleasure to appear before as an arbitrator.
Stuart is a delight to work with, balanced and measured in his approach.
Article by Stuart Isaacs KC and Daniel Petrides, 22nd February 2024 To read or download this article as a PDF, please click here. The recent Court of Appeal decision in Unicredit Bank GmbH v RusChemAlliance LLC [2024] EWCA Civ 64... Read more
By Stuart Isaacs KC | Daniel Petrides
Thursday 22 February 2024
To read or download this article as a PDF, please click here. Ever since the House of Lords decision in Fiona Trust & Holding Corporation v Privalov [2007] UKHL 40, the principle of the separability of arbitration agreements has been... Read more
By Stuart Isaacs KC | Elizabeth Houghton
Monday 10 July 2023
To read or download this article as a PDF, please click here. Arbitrability is a hot topic in international commercial arbitration. There is a developing body of recent case-law, of which the most interesting and important is perhaps the decision... Read more
By Stuart Isaacs KC | Jia Wei Lee
Tuesday 9 May 2023
We are delighted to announce that Stuart Isaacs KC has been appointed to the BVI International Arbitration Centre’s Panel of Arbitrators. For more information about the BVI Arbitration Centre, please click here.
Monday 17 October 2022
View moreMediation
Stuart is an accredited ADRGroup mediator. He is a Mediator on the Singapore International Mediation Centre Panel and the CIETAC Panel, and has lectured extensively on the subject of mediation and alternative dispute resolution.
He gains a quick grasp of the issues involved in a dispute and combines an understanding and empathetic but firm approach towards the parties with the elaboration through the mediation process of realistic solutions.
Recent disputes which he has mediated include a dispute between a Swiss bank and its customer over lending facilities, a dispute concerning investments with a Singaporean bank in structured products and a dispute over a multimillion-US dollar guarantee liability.
Stuart is a very thorough and clever counsel. His cross examination is excellent and he presents key aspects of complex cases with great clarity.
A silk with authority and gravitas.
He is quick and sharp at spotting issues and quickly resolving procedural issues.
Stuart is a class act. Smart, polished and able to cut incisively into the heart of every case.
Stuart is a delight to work with, balanced and measured in his approach.
Professional liability
He has extensive experience of professional indemnity disputes, having acted throughout his career as counsel both for and against a variety of professionals, including solicitors, architects, surveyors, accountants, auditors, valuers and consulting engineers. By way of illustration:
As a Deputy Judge of the High Court, has tried several professional indemnity claims.
As an arbitrator, has decided professional negligence claims concerning solicitors, accountant and other professionals. And as counsel in arbitration proceedings in Singapore and Hong Kong has represented professionals in various disciplines.
Stuart is a very thorough and clever counsel. His cross examination is excellent and he presents key aspects of complex cases with great clarity.
His advocacy is always impeccable. He is calm, and judges and tribunals give huge weight to his submissions. A silk with authority and gravitas.
He is quick and sharp at spotting issues and quickly resolving procedural issues.
Stuart is a class act. Smart, polished and able to cut incisively into the heart of every case and produce arguments that simply win. He is also a pleasure to appear before as an arbitrator.
Stuart is a delight to work with, balanced and measured in his approach.
Registered name: Mr Stuart Lindsay Isaacs KC
VAT number: 342223538