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1613 search results.

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    Effect on Brexit on Part 26A Arrangements and Reconstructions

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    Effect on Brexit on Part 26A Arrangements and Reconstructions

    To download and read this piece as a pdf, please click here. Commentary by Daniel Lewis.   It is one of the ironies of Brexit that the UK has effectively implemented many of the features of the 2019 EU Restructuring Directive[1],... Read more

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    Case study: A salutary lesson

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    The modern family – the interpretation of children, spouses and civil partners in older trust deeds

    To download and read this piece as a pdf, please click here. Commentary by Lemuel Lucan-Wilson. It has become cliché to say that modern familial arrangements are vastly different now to how they were 50 years ago, but that does not make... Read more

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  5. PlaceholderPast Conference

    External Conferences

    ThoughtLeaders4 Private Client In Review: A Year Like No Other

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    Events / Webinars

    WATCH: Arbitration Breakfast Briefing: Conflicts, bias and disclosure duties – where are we now?

    Arbitration Breakfast Briefing: apparent bias and arbitrators’ duty of disclosure in international commercial arbitrations following the Supreme Court’s decision in Halliburton v Chubb; and the duty of expert witnesses in arbitration proceedings to avoid conflicts of interest. Join Stuart Isaacs... Read more

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    The ‘Prudence’ Test for Trustees in Pension Scheme Investment (2021) 34 Tru LI 215

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    Events / Webinars

    WATCH: Cross-border insolvency in practice – a post-Brexit webinar

    How does European cross-border insolvency work in the UK now? Tell us what your questions are! Chris Laughton of accountancy firm Mercer & Hole hosts a discussion with Wilberforce barristers Clare Stanley QC, Daniel Lewis, Rachael Earle and Jamie Holmes.... Read more

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  9. Placeholder


    Budget 2021: an overview

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  10. Placeholder


    Budget 2021: an overview

    To download and read this piece as a PDF, please click here. Commentary by Jia Wei Lee The Chancellor of the Exchequer delivered his Budget yesterday afternoon. A number of tax measures were introduced to ease the financial burden on... Read more

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