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1614 search results.

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    Mittal v Westbridge: Singapore Court of Appeal charts a novel course for pre-award arbitrability

    To read or download this article as a PDF, please click here. Arbitrability is a hot topic in international commercial arbitration. There is a developing body of recent case-law, of which the most interesting and important is perhaps the decision... Read more

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  2. Placeholder


    Supreme Court Decision on Oil Spill Continuing Nuisance Appeal

    On 10 May 2023, the Supreme Court handed down judgment in Jalla & Anr v Shell International Trading and Shipping Company & Anr [2023] UKSC 16, an appeal concerning the law of continuing private nuisance. The Claimants, who live and... Read more

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  3. Placeholder


    City Gardens v Dok 82: High Court confirms that a winding up petition may be brought notwithstanding a foreign exclusive jurisdiction clause

    City Gardens Limited brought a creditor’s winding up petition against Dok 82 Limited (the Company), in relation to sums that City Gardens said were due to it by the Company under a contract governed by Hong Kong law and subject... Read more

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    R (Annington Property Ltd) & Ors v Secretary of State for Defence & Ors [2023] EWHC 1154 (Admin)

    On 15 May 2023 Mr Justice Holgate handed down judgment in the case of R (Annington Property Ltd) & Ors v Secretary of State for Defence & Ors [2023] EWHC 1154 (Admin). The question at stake was whether the MoD... Read more

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    Pensions law and the Sequana decision

    In this article, Tom Robinson considers the lessons that the 2022 Supreme Court decision in BTI 2014 LLC v Sequana has for pension practitioners, and in particular the question of directors’ duties in relation to uncertain/future pensions debts. This article... Read more

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  6. PlaceholderPast Conference

    External Conferences

    LIDW23: Liability of crypto exchanges in a changing world: the law, developments and trends

    A panel session covering (1) the liability of exchanges as a constructive trustee, (2) following vs tracing of crypto into and through exchanges (3) the potential for a Quincecare-type duty to be owed by exchanges (4) claims under s.19 FSMA... Read more

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  7. Placeholder

    External Conferences

    LIDW23: Pulling the Strings: Parent company liability and the attack on corporate group structures

    Jones Day, Wilberforce Chambers and FRP, alongside special guest IBM, are pleased to invite you to the following LIDW23 member-hosted event: Pulling the Strings: Parent company liability and the attack on corporate group structures. Corporate group structures are increasingly under... Read more

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  8. Placeholder

    External Conferences

    Informa’s Asset Recovery Asia Conference

    Clare Stanley KC is speaking at Informa’s Asset Recovery Asia conference on 23rd May. She will be on a panel with Ian Mann (Harneys, Hong Kong),  Lingqi Wang (Fangda Partners, PRC), Kesterson Kua (SKY Law, Philippines) and Yuan Zheng (Davis... Read more

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  9. Placeholder

    External Conferences

    TL4 Webinar – Insolvent Trusts: Where are we now?

    ‘Insolvent’ trusts have enjoyed a considerable amount of air time recently, with a number of high-profile judgments leading to key developments in the law and some very real consequences for trustees. Join TL4 for a discussion of recent notable cases,... Read more

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  10. Placeholder

    Events / Webinars

    Civil Fraud Conference 2023

    Wilberforce Chambers is delighted to announce our Civil Fraud Conference which will take place on Thursday 8th June at one of London’s newest events venues, The View, which is located in the Royal College of Surgeons and overlooks Lincoln’s Inn... Read more

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