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1614 search results.

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    Data protection legislation in the UK and its impact on the confidentiality of trustee decision-making

    Article by Edward Sawyer, 2nd February 2024 To read or download this article as a PDF, please click here.  Introduction The UK’s data protection legislation has been in the news recently with the introduction last autumn of a US-UK data bridge... Read more

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    External Conferences

    Trust & Estates Litigation Forum

    Gilead Cooper KC is speaking at the Trusts & Litigation Forum on Monday 5th February. Gilead is speaking alongside Rachael Reynolds KC (Ogier), Fozeia Rana-Fahy (MJM) and Jessica Henson (Payne Hicks Beach) in a debate: ‘Have Offshore Jurisdictions Departed Too... Read more

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    Wilberforce Chambers features twice in The Lawyer’s Top 10 Appeals of 2024

    We are delighted to announce that Wilberforce Chambers appears in two of The Lawyer’s Top 10 appeals of 2024, identifying this year’s most-talked-about disputes in the Court of Appeal and Supreme Court. Annington Property v The Secretary of State for... Read more

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    Newell Trustees Ltd v Newell Rubbermaid UK Services Ltd

    Edward Sawyer has written a casenote on the recent Newell decision, which provides a fresh insight into the effect of Courage provisos on the conversion of DB benefits to DC. The article was first posted on Paul Newman KC‘s website... Read more

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    JSC BTA Bank v Sabyrbaev and others

    Judgment has been handed down by the BVI Commercial Court in what is the latest episode in the global Ablyazov litigation; in this claim against 54 defendants, Kazakhstan’s BTA Bank alleges it has been the victim of a fraudulent scheme... Read more

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    External Conferences

    PLA Annual Conference and Dinner 2024

    Jonathan Seitler KC is speaking at PLA’s Annual Conference & Dinner 2024 Jonathan is speaking on “Property Litigation & Professional Negligence: a match made in hell”. He will be delving into the topics – Where are the risks of a... Read more

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    External Conferences

    APL Seminar: Forfeiture – problems and solutions

    Thomas Seymour is speaking at the Association of Pensions Lawyers evening seminar “Forfeiture – problems and solutions”. Thomas is speaking alongside Hugh Gittins (Sackers) and will talk about “six years, no claim” forfeiture under s.92(5) Pensions Act 1995. More specifically... Read more

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    External Conferences

    Transcontinental Trusts: Bermuda

    Robert Ham KC is speaking at Informa’s 10th annual Transcontinental Trusts: Bermuda conference. He is speaking as part of  ‘International Trusts litigation roundup’, which will cover an overview of recent international litigation concerning trusts. Robert is speaking  alongside James Price... Read more

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    Judgment handed down in Transwaste Recycling and Aggregates Ltd

    Judgment was today handed down by Adam Johnson J in the case of Transwaste Recycling and Aggregates Ltd [2024] EWHC 330 (Ch) after a three-week trial of an unfair prejudice petition concerning a waste management company. The judgment addresses in... Read more

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    Lim and others v Ong

    The Defendant was sentenced yesterday to 22 months immediate imprisonment in respect of a vast array of contempts of court, including dealing and dissipating assets in breach of a worldwide freezing order, providing inaccurate ancillary asset disclosure inflating his true... Read more

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