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1614 search results.

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    External Conferences

    Chancery Bar Association Geneva Conference

    Thomas Robinson is speaking at the Chancery Bar Association Conference in Geneva. Thomas is speaking on ‘Arbitration: Issues in Shareholder, Insolvency and Trust Disputes’ alongside Alex Potts KC (4 Pump Court) and Jennifer Haywood (Serle Court) to an audience of... Read more

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    English anti-suit injunctions in aid of arbitration agreements with a foreign seat

    Article by Stuart Isaacs KC and Daniel Petrides, 22nd February 2024 To read or download this article as a PDF, please click here. The recent Court of Appeal decision in Unicredit Bank GmbH v RusChemAlliance LLC [2024] EWCA Civ 64... Read more

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    External Conferences

    Private Client Forum Americas 2024

    Gilead Cooper KC is speaking on day 2 of the Private Client Forum Americas 2024. Gilead is discussing ‘Protectors: a blessing or curse?’ alongside Carlos de Serpa Pimentel (Appleby), Anthony Poulton (Baker McKenzie) and Nellie Morgan (Mourant). Find out more

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    Climate Change and Investment Duties: a Prisoner’s Dilemma?

    James McCreath has written an article on the recent FMLC report on pension trustees and fiduciary duties. The article was first posted on Paul Newman KC‘s website Read the full article

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    Company Directors – Duties, Liabilities, and Remedies (new release and launch event)

    Lexa Hilliard KC and Thomas Robinson have contributed to the newly published Company Directors (4th ed). This leading and comprehensive work focuses entirely on company directors, their duties and responsibilities, their liabilities when things go wrong, and the remedies to put... Read more

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    External Conferences

    ACTAPS South East Seminar

    Fenner Moeran KC, Tiffany Scott KC and Elizabeth Houghton are speaking at the ACTAPS South East Seminar from 4pm. They will be discussing: Blessings: in the context of Denaxe. Trustees as Litigants: How must a trustee act differently compared to... Read more

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    A Nigerian tragedy: how to set aside a US$11 billion arbitral award

    John Grocott-Barrett and Ernest Leung have written an article for TL4’s FIRE Starters magazine on ‘A Nigerian tragedy: how to set aside a US$11 billion arbitral award’, where they analyse Federal Republic of Nigeria v Process and Industrial Developments Limited.... Read more

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    Events / Webinars

    Wilberforce Civil Fraud Conference 2024

    Our Civil Fraud Conference will take place on Wednesday 6th November at The Westin London City, followed by drinks and canapés. The event will feature a number of topical talks and discussions from members of the Wilberforce Fraud, Insolvency and... Read more

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    External Conferences

    19th Biennial IPEBLA Conference

    David Pollard is speaking at the 19th Biennial IPEBLA Conference in Milan. David will be speaking alongside Israel Goldowitz (The Wagner Law Group) and Jeffrey Sommers (Blakes) in a workshop discussing ‘Are insolvency laws contributing to the death of single... Read more

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    Court of Appeal judgment handed down in Water Plus Limited and another v Brendon International Limited

    James McCreath has been successful in an appeal against a High Court judgment in a case claiming restitution of alleged overcharges for sewerage services.  The judgment clarifies the operation of the burden of proof in such circumstances, and provides guidance... Read more

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