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1612 search results.

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    Recent Cases

    The Chinachem Charitable Foundation

    Chinachem is due to heard on 21st April 2015 Hong Kong Court of Final Appeal- the latest stage of litigation concerning the estate of the late Nina Wang, who died in 2007, reputedly the richest woman in Asia, leaving an estate... Read more

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    Merchant Navy Ratings Pension Fund

    Merchant Navy Ratings Pension Fund Trustees Limited v  (1) Stena Line Limited (2) P&O Ferries Limited (3) Sealion Shipping Limited (4) International Marine Transportation Limited (5) Terence Brown The mounting deficits in occupational pension schemes are important to members and... Read more

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    Recent Cases

    Merchant Navy Ratings Pension Fund Trustees Limited v (1) Stena Line Limited (2) P&O Ferries Limited (3) Sealion Shipping Limited (4) International Marine Transportation Limited (5) Terence Brown

    Merchant Navy Ratings Pension Fund Trustees Limited v  (1) Stena Line Limited (2) P&O Ferries Limited (3) Sealion Shipping Limited (4) International Marine Transportation Limited (5) Terence Brown, [2015] EWHC 448 (Ch) The mounting deficits in occupational pension schemes are important... Read more

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    The IBM litigation

    The IBM litigation concerns the most current of pension problems, namely when and how an employer like IBM can close its pension schemes to future accrual in the face of opposition from members. As pension schemes become ever more costly... Read more

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    Recent Cases

    IBM United Kingdom Holdings Ltd & Anr v Dalgleish & Ors

    The IBM litigation concerns the most current of pension problems, namely when and how an employer like IBM can close its pension schemes to future accrual in the face of opposition from members. As pension schemes become ever more costly... Read more

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    Nikki Singla Speaking at Trust & Estates Litigation Forum 2015

    Nikki Singla will be speaking at The Trust & Estates Litigation Forum 2015 on Grants of Representation. Together with a panel Nikki will be discussing the latest developments in this area.    

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    Re Merchant Navy Pension Fund – some things to think about

    Edward Sawyer, examines the decision in Re Merchant Navy Ratings Pension Fund and says the decision will be of particular interest to trustees and employers as well as lawyers advising on schemes which have closed to accrual but where final... Read more

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    Re Merchant Navy Ratings Pension Fund – some things to think about

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    Events / Webinars

    Property Litigation Conference 2015

    Property Litigation: The Bigger Picture We all know that to be an expert in property litigation, it isn’t enough to be an expert in property law. Clients don’t come to us with their problems neatly packaged by reference to the... Read more

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    Trustee Decision Making: The Rule in Re Hastings-Bass

    Michael Ashdown’s forthcoming book “Trustee Decision Making: The Rule in Re Hastings-Bass” analyses and explains the ways in which the courts control the exercise of trustees’ powers and discretions, in the light of the momentous decision of the Supreme Court... Read more

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