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1612 search results.

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    RPI/CPI – A little bit of good news for employers?

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    RPI/CPI – A little bit of good news for employers?

    Commentary by Paul Newman QC When the index used to calculate statutory increases to pensions in payment and the revaluation of deferred pensions was changed from RPI to CPI in 2011, the Government declined to require CPI to be applied... Read more

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    Valuing property in accordance with contract (Great Dunmow Estates Ltd v Crest Nicholson Operations Ltd)

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    Great Dunmow Estates Limited v Crest Nicholson Operations Ltd & Ors [2019] EWCA Civ 1683

    The Court of Appeal has, in Great Dunmow Estates Limited v Crest Nicholson Operations Ltd & Ors [2019] EWCA Civ 1683: (1) held that matters ‘agreed’ in the course of the expert determination could not have contractual effect where the... Read more

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    Recent Cases

    Great Dunmow Estates Limited v Crest Nicholson Operations Ltd & Ors [2019] EWCA Civ 1683

    The Court of Appeal has, in Great Dunmow Estates Limited v Crest Nicholson Operations Ltd & Ors [2019] EWCA Civ 1683: (1) held that matters ‘agreed’ in the course of the expert determination could not have contractual effect where the... Read more

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    Deposits in conveyancing transactions: How does the penalties doctrine apply?

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    Deposits in conveyancing transactions: How does the penalties doctrine apply?

    Commentary by Joseph Steadman Anyone who has been involved in a conveyancing transaction – and many people who haven’t – will know that it is customary to pay a 10% deposit on exchange of contracts. In fact, most of those... Read more

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    Sequent Nominees Ltd v Hautford Ltd [2019] UKSC 47

    Supreme Court by majority of 3 to 2 reverses unanimous Court of Appeal decision in Sequent Nominees Ltd v Hautford Ltd and holds that a landlord’s refusal of consent to an application for change of planning use was reasonable. This... Read more

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    Recent Cases

    Sequent Nominees Ltd v Hautford Ltd [2019] UKSC 47

    Supreme Court by majority of 3 to 2 reverses unanimous Court of Appeal decision in Sequent Nominees Ltd v Hautford Ltd and holds that a landlord’s refusal of consent to an application for change of planning use was reasonable. This... Read more

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    Events / Webinars

    Property “Hot Topic” Seminar: Sequent Nominees Ltd v Hautford Ltd

    On Wednesday 30 October 2019 the Supreme Court handed down its much-awaited judgment in Hautford, reversing by a majority of 3 to 2 the unanimous decision of the Court of Appeal, and holding that a landlord reasonably withheld consent to its... Read more

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